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Forthcoming (16)

Antunes, S. F. New prospects of the cohesion policy 2014-2020 in Portugal: caught between promises of economic recovery and the limits of a centralized state. Council for European Studies.

Antunes, S., Cornago, N., & Lecours, A. Frontrunners but different games? Comparing Catalan and Basque paradiplomacy towards the EU. Territory, Politics, Governance.

ElBelehy, C., & Crispim, J. Social sustainability in Egypt hospitality and tourism supply chains. Business and Society Review.

Esteves, R. B., Ghandhour, Z., & Straume, O. Quality discrimination in healthcare markets. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.

Fernandes, S., & Ferreira, D. S. Portugal in the nuclear realm: A case of broad multilateralization. International Politics.

Fernandes, S., & Ferreira, D. S. Portugal in the nuclear realm: a case of broad ‘multilateralization.’ International Politics.

Ferreira, S., Pereira, O., & Simões, C. Determinants of consumers’ intention to visit green hotels: Combining psychological and contextual factors. Journal of Vacation Marketing.

Forsström, V., Lind, K., Sousa, R. M., Uddin, G. S., & Jayasekera, R. Making sense of uncertainty: An application to the Scandinavian banking sector. International Journal of Finance and Economics.

Freire, C., & Alves, L. Perceived schedule flexibility in the context of telework and its impact on stress and satisfaction with family life: The mediation effect of the family-work conflict. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Lampón, J. F., Carballo-Cruz, F., & Velando-Rodríguez, M. E. The irruption of autonomous and connected vehicle technologies and the repositioning of the periphery in the European automotive industry. Kybernetes.

Nangpiire, C., Silva, J., & Alves, H. Customer Engagement and Co-Creation/destruction: The Role of External Actors That Foster/Hinder Tourist/Hotel Interactive Experience. Journal of African Business.

Rogers, D., Armada, M. R., & Rogers, P. Financial well-being, health, and quality of life: Evidence from investors in the Brazilian Capital Market. International Journal for Quality Research.

Silva, C., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. EU policy opposition within the post-2008 European parliament: scrutinising Eurosceptic political groups in competition . Journal of European Integration.

Silva, L. F., Ribeiro, J. C., & Carballo-Cruz, F. Towards Sustainable Tourism Development in a Small Protected Area: Mapping Stakeholders’ Perceptions in the Alvão Natural Park, Portugal. Tourism Planning and Development.

Silva, L. F., Ribeiro, J. C., & Carballo-Cruz, F. Visitors’ Satisfaction and Loyalty toward Protected Areas: Exploring the Role of Motivations and Perceived Quality. Leisure Sciences.

Zarandi, N., Soares, A. M., & Alves, H. Student satisfaction and co-creation behavior in game-based learning in the context of higher education. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 1–22.

2024 (42)

Badía, G., Cortez, M. C., & Silva, F. (2024). Do investors benefit from investing in stocks of green bond issuers? Economics Letters, 242(111859).

Brekke, K. R., Dalen, D. M., & Straume, O. R. (2024). Competing with precision: incentives for developing predictive biomarker tests. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 126(1), 60–97.

Brekke, K. R., Siciliani, L., & Straume, O. R. (2024). Competition, quality and integrated health care. Journal of Health Economics, 95(102880).

Brito-Ramos, S., Cortez, M. C., & Silva, F. (2024). Do Sustainability Signals Diverge? An Analysis of Labeling Schemes for Socially Responsible Investments. Business and Society, 63(6), 1380–1425.

Caria, A., & Gomes, D. (2024). Why Global Accounting Standards Diffuse? An Analysis from the Lenses of Actor-Network Theory. European Accounting Review, 33(1), 335–365.

Costa, A. S., & Azevedo, A. (2024). Influence of Ethically-Minded Consumer Behavior, Digital Citizenship, and Retailers’ Green Positioning on the Effectiveness of Store Flyer Sales Promotions (Paper vs. Digital). Journal of Promotion Management, 30(4), 681–705.

Costa, C., & Azevedo, A. (2024). Antecedents and consequences of the “cancel culture” firestorm journey for brands: is there a possibility for forgiveness? Journal of Marketing Management, 40(3-4), 289–312.

Escadas, M., Jalali, M. S., Septianto, F., & Farhangmehr, M. (2024). Are emotions essential for consumer ethical decision-making: A Necessary Condition Analysis. Business Ethics, the Environment &Amp; Responsibility, 33(3), 468–485.

Esteban, L., Fernandes, E., Cimbrini, T., Smith, C., & Goksu, G. (2024). Female chairs on the boards of European National Sports Federations: a comparative study. Gender in Management, 39(4), 497–515.

Fouad, H., & Rego, N. (2024). Can social network analysis contribute to supply chain management? A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. Heliyon, 10(5).

Freire, C., & Azevedo, A. (2024). “Look before you leap": Comparing the turnover intention of nurses as public servants and private employees. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 11(3), 639–658. +info

Hussain, T., Kryzanowski, L., Loureiro, G., & Sufyan, M. (2024). Enhancing corporate governance quality through mergers and acquisitions. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, (35), 465–500.

Jalali, C., Silva, P., & Costa, E. (2024). Youth with clipped wings: Bridging the gap from youth recruitment to representation in candidate lists. Electoral Studies, 88(102767).

Kadić-Maglajlić, S., Lages, C. R., & Temerak, M. S. (2024). Dual perspective on the role of xenophobia in service sabotage. Tourism Management, 101(104831).

Lampón, J. F., Pérez-Moure, H., Carballo-Cruz, F., & Velando-Rodríguez, M. E. (2024). New mobility technologies and regional status in the automotive industry value chain: The case of Spain and Portugal. Technology in Society, 78(102624).

Lautenschlage, J., Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2024). The effects of fiscal policy management, candidacy of previous mayors, and illiteracy on mayoral reelection in Brazil. Economics and Politics, 36(3), 1345–1381.

Leite, Z. N., & Sá, E. S. (2024). Microfinance institutions managers' motivation towards environment protection through green microfinance: the case of the developing country of Cabo Verde. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 42(4), 745–764. +info

Loureiro, G., & Mendonça, C. (2024). Do Large Registered Investment Funds undermine shareholder activism? Evidence from Hedge Fund proposals. Journal of Banking and Finance, 162(107157).

Marques, M., Montenegro, T. M., & Brás, F. A. (2024). Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American Taxation Association, 46(1), 137–156.

Matos, N., Duarte, P. A. O., & Sá, E. S. (2024). Once-in-a-lifetime leisure experiences (OLLE): The role of Flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction on tourists’ satisfaction and memories. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 30(3), 615–632.

Mendes-Da-Silva, W., Felipe, I., Leal, C. C., & Aguiar, M. O. (2024). How the tone of mass media news affects pledge amounts in reward crowdfunding campaigns. Journal of Small Business Management, 61(1), 254–282.

Monteiro, N. P., & Straume, O. R. (2024). Management Practices, Pay, and Pay Inequality. Journal of Labor Research, 45(2), 254–304.

Mourão, P. (2024). Exploring determinants of international transfers of women soccer players in Portuguese football. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 19(1), 152–161.

Mourão, P. R. (2024). Drivers’ moves in Formula One Economics: A network analysis since 2000. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 13(9).

Mourão, P. R., & Araújo, P. (2024). “It’s the average cost, mister!”–Explaining the recurrent dismissal of European soccer coaches. Applied Economics, 56(23), 2769–2789.

Ngoy, E., Sá, C., & Veiga, P. (2024). Exploring socioeconomic-related inequality in children’s cognitive achievement in Peru. Journal of Economic Inequality, 22, 809–832.

Ojo, M. O., Aguiar-Conraria, L., & Soares, M. J. (2024). The performance of OECD's composite leading indicator. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 29(2), 2265–2277.

Oliveira, L., Caria, A., & Almeida, J. (2024). Managing a story of hope through the President’s Letter: The case of Petrobras from 1964 to 1985. Accounting History, 29(3), 454–490.

Oliveira, L., Caria, A., & Gomes, P. (2024). Building meanings through annual reports. Academia Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion, 37(1), 147–169.

Oliveira, L., Caria, A., & Nunes, D. (2024). Visualising accountability: nurturing care and trust. Meditari Accountancy Research, 32(5), 1837–1866.

Papageorgiou, M., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2024). Assessing the Changing Sino–Russian Relationship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Bilateral Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Period. Europe-Asia Studies, 76(4), 632–658.

Pinto, L. H., Fernandes, E., & Xinyan, L. (2024). The community of Chinese “expat-preneurs”: understanding the challenges of doing business abroad. Journal of Enterprising Communities, 18(2), 303–326.

Ribeiro-Lemos, S., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2024). Conceptions of a Rogue State in a Comparative Perspective: The United States and European Union vis-à-vis North Korea. Contemporary Politics, 30(2), 137–156.

Santos, G. G., Pinho, J. C., Ferreira, A. P., & Vieira, M. (2024). Psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviours: the moderating role of contract type. Management Research Review, 9(4), 225–235.

Santos, M., Simões, M., & Sousa, S. (2024). Health human capital formation in the OECD: Exploring the role of welfare state composition. Economics and Politics, 36(1), 580–610.

Silva, F., Ferreira, A., & Cortez, M. C. (2024). The performance of green bond portfolios under climate uncertainty: A comparative analysis with conventional and black bond portfolios. Research in International Business and Finance, 70(102354).

Silva, L. C., Macedo, I. M., & Thompson, M. (2024). Revisiting the debate on institutions, the state and institutional change: The relevance of institutional theory to public administration teaching. Teaching Public Administration, 42(1), 73–94.

Sousa, E., Fontenele, R., Soares, A. M., de Sousa Filho, J. M., & Santos, S. M. (2024). Orientação religiosa, valores pessoais e intenção empreendedora: análise multi-grupo com estudantes brasileiros e portugueses. Revista Caderno Pedagógico, 21(1), 265–293.

Sá, L., & Straume, O. R. (2024). Hospital competition when patients learn through experience. Journal of Health Economics, 97(102920).

Valente, M., Fernandes, M. E., & Pinto, L. M. C. (2024). Crowdfunding or crowdsourcing time: Exploring the willingness of private citizens to help prevent forest fires. Forest Policy and Economics, 163, 103210.

Weiss, T., Fernandes, S., & Pisklová, M. (2024). Institutional inertia and change: Explaining the Czech and Portuguese Engagement in European Defence Market Integration. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(3), 784–800.

do Céu Pinto Arena e Ana Leão Varela, L. M. M. (2024). Multiculturality against radicalisation in Belgium and Portugal. International Review of Sociology, 1–27. International Review of Sociology, 1–27.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., & Sousa, R. M. (2023). A quest between fiscal and market discipline. Economic Modelling, 119(106119).

Agnello, L., Castro, V., & Sousa, R. M. (2023). Interest rate gaps in an uncertain global context: why “too” low (high) for “so” long? Empirical Economics, 64(2), 539–565.

Aguiar-Conraria, L., Martins, M. M. F., & Soares, M. J. (2023). The Phillips curve at 65: Time for time and frequency. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 151(104620).

Amador, J., Gouveia, C. M., & Pimenta, A. C. (2023). COVID-19, lockdowns and international trade: evidence from firm-level data. Empirical Economics, 65, 2427–2466.

Antunes, S., & Cipriano, A. P. (2023). Portuguese MEPs and religion as a case of ‘dual identity’: Christians at heart, secular at work. Religion, State and Society, 51(4-5), 452–472.

Antunes, S., Guimarães, M. H., & Egan, M. (2023). Made in the USA? The paradiplomatic strategies of California and Illinois to the EU. Territory, Politics, Governance.

Araujo, E., Araújo, E., Fonseca, M., & Mourão, P. (2023). External shocks and monetary policy under the inflation targeting regime (ITR): An analysis of the determinants of inflation for the period 2000-2021. PSL Quarterly Review, 76(306), 293–311.

Azevedo, A. (2023). Pull and Push Drivers of Giant-Wave Spectators in Nazaré, Portugal: A Cultural Ecosystem Services Assessment Based on Geo-Tagged Photos. Land, 12(2), 360.

Azevedo, A., & Azevedo, Â. S. (2023). Implications of Socio-Cultural Pressure for a Thin Body Image on Avoidance of Social Interaction and on Corrective, Compensatory or Compulsive Shopping Behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3567.

Azevedo, A., Alves, J. A., & Fernandes, R. R. (2023). The (negative) impact of violent and gore TV crime series on destination image and travel motivation. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 28.

Barbosa, N. (2023). Outward Foreign Direct Investment, Restructuring and Performance Upgrading: Firm-level Evidence from Portugal. Global Business Review, 24(2), 281–294.

Barreto, C., & Brás, F. A. (2023). The impact of SMES characteristics on management accounting practices: Evidence from the state of Amazonas. Contaduria y Administracion, 68(3), 79–106. +info

Barreto, C., & Brás, F. A. (2023). The impact of SMES characteristics on management accounting practices: Evidence from the state of Amazonas. Contaduria y Administración, 68(3), 79–106.

Bel, G., Bischoff, I., Blåka, S., Casula, M., Lysek, J., Swianiewicz, P., … Voorn, B. (2023). Styles of inter-municipal cooperation and the multiple principal problem: a comparative analysis of European economic area countries. Local Government Studies, 49(2), 422–445.

Biagini, L., Leite, R., Araujo, J., & Dourado, D. (2023). University Public Ombudsman and their Challenges to Face Bullying at Work. American Research Journal of Business and Management , 9(1), 80–87.

Bosse, G., & Vieira, A. (2023). Resilient states vs. resilient societies? The ‘dark side’ of resilience narratives in EU relations with authoritarian regimes: a case study of Belarus. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(4), 1058–1072.

Branco, M. C., Gomes, D., & Martins, A. (2023). Exploring tax-related sustainability reporting by electric utilities. Utilities Policy, 82.

Branco-Illodo, I., Heath, T., & Tynan, C. (2023). Gifts to whom? Towards a network view of gift receivers. European Journal of Marketing, 57(10), 2860–2892.

Brederode, E., Silva, J., & Alves, H. (2023). A co-criação de valor do consumidor enquanto cidadão através do comportamento pró-circular. Responsibility and Sustainability, 8(1), 2–20.

Brekke, K. R., Dalen, D. M., & Straume, O. R. (2023). The price of cost-effectiveness thresholds under therapeutic competition in pharmaceutical markets. Journal of Health Economics, 90(102778).

Carnegie, G. D., Gomes, D., & McBride, K. (2023). COVID-19 and accounting as multidimensional technical, social and moral practice: a framework for future research. Meditari Accountancy Research, 31(1), 1–26.

Carvalho, A. (2023). A Duality Model of Dynamic Capabilities: Combining Routines and Improvisation. Administrative Sciences, 13(3), 84–102.

Casais, B. (2023). Conceptualizing an Omnichannel Approach for Social Marketing under the Assumptions of the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Social Marketing Quarterly, 29(3), 208–224.

Casais, B., & Ferreira, L. (2023). Smart and sustainable hotels: tourism agenda 2030 perspective article. Tourism Review, 78(2), 344–351. +info

Casais, B., & Poço, T. (2023). Emotional branding of a city for inciting resident and visitor place attachment. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 19, 93–102.

Cayolla, R., Escadas, M., Biscaia, R., Kellison, T., Quintela, J. A., & Santos, T. (2023). Fans' perceptions of pro-environmental sustainability initiatives in sport and triple bottom line benefits. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(2), 395–421.

Cayolla, R., Escadas, M., McCullough, B., Biscaia, R., Cabilhas, A., & Santos, T. (2023). Does pro-environmental attitude predicts pro-environmental behavior? Comparing sustainability connection in emotional and cognitive environments among football fans and university students. Heliyon, 9(11), 1–15.

Conde, R., & Casais, B. (2023). Micro, macro and mega-influencers on Instagram: the power of persuasion via the parasocial relationship. Journal of Business Research, 158, 113708.

Cordery, C., Gomes, D., Leoni, G., McBride, K., & Napier, C. (2023). Innovation in accounting historiography: Where to from here? Accounting History, 28(3), 368–389.

Costantini, M., Maaitah, A., Mishra, T., & Sousa, R. M. (2023). Bitcoin market networks and cyberattacks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 630(129165).

Cruz, S., Ferreira, M. R., Borges, A., & Casais, B. (2023). Barriers to volunteering in the field of intellectual disability: a cluster analysis. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 20(2), 341–366.

Dias, A., & Antunes, S. (2023). Seen but overlooked? The emergence of regional leadership in polycentric climate governance after Paris. Janus.Net, 14(2), 341–357.

Dobroszek, J., Mourão, P. R., & Urbaniak, M. (2023). Transaction costs and costs of activity independence in B2B buyer-supplier relationships: analysis of Central and Eastern European companies. Central European Management Journal, 31(1), 102–114.

Engelmann, D., Frank, J., Koch, A. K., & Valente, M. (2023). Second-chance offers and buyer reputation systems: theory and evidence on auctions with default. RAND Journal of Economics, 54(3), 484–511.

Engle, R. F., & Campos-Martins, S. (2023). What are the events that shake our world? Measuring and hedging global COVOL. Journal of Financial Economics, 147(1), 221–242.

Esteves, R.-B., & Carballo-Cruz, F. (2023). Can data openness unlock competition when an incumbent has exclusive data access for personalized pricing? Information Economics and Policy, 64(101046).

Faustino, I., Maia, K., Gomes, M., Mourão, P. R., & Araujo, E. (2023). Decomposing wage differences in Brazilian regions: A revised insight about traditional discrimination. International Journal of Social Economics, 50(1), 1–19.

Fernandes, J., Machado, C., & Amaral, L. (2023). Towards a readiness model derived from critical success factors, for the general data protection regulation implementation in higher education institutions. Strategic Management - International Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Managemen, 28(1), 004–019.

Fernandes, S. (2023). Nota Introdutória. A guerra da Rússia na Ucrânia: o primeiro balanço. Relações Internacionais, 77, 5–9.

Fernandes, S., & (Ageeva), V. G. (2023). O esfriamento da amizade entre a Ásia Central e a Rússia após a guerra na Ucrânia. Relações Internacionais, 77, 63–71.

Fernandes, S., & Duarte, P. A. B. (2023). The Arctic as the new frontier of (in)security: assessing Sino-Russian revisionism. Security Forum, 31–41.

Fernandes, S., & Ferreira, D. S. (2023). Portugal in the nuclear realm: A case of broad multilateralization. International Politics, 1–22.

Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Raimundo, A. (2023). Small EU Member States and Brexit: Introduction. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(3), 581–589.

Figueira, A., Ruão, T., & Mourão, P. R. (2023). Criar pontes entre o solidário e o mercantil: Riscos e benefícios de um trabalho colaborativo. Cooperativismo e Economia Social, 44, 155–176.

Florêncio, M., Oliveira, L., & Oliveira, H. C. (2023). Management Control Systems and the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals into Business Models. Sustainability, 15(3), 2246.

Fontes, A., Rodrigues, L. L., & Silva, C. M. A. P. (2023). Barriers to institutionalization of an IFRS-based model: perceptions of Portuguese auditors. Meditari Accountancy Research, 31(2), 470–497.

Freire, C., & Barbosa, I. (2023). Assessing Graduates' Transversal Competences through an adapted MMI model: Confidant Interview vs Stress Interview. Education and Training, 65(1), 146–162.

Gabrielsen, T. S., Johansen, B. O., & Straume, O. R. (2023). National pricing with local quality competition. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 32(1), 48–74.

Gomes, M. R., da Cunha, M. S., de Souza, S. C. I., & Mourão, P. J. R. (2023). Reproduction of Parental Occupations, Income and Poverty in Brazil. Social Indicators Research, 167(1-3), 339–362.

Gomes, M., & Mourao, P. R. (2023). The evolution of epidemics and the publication of epidemic news in the local press: a study in the region of Braga (Northern Portugal). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(746), 1–20.

Gomes, P., Silva, A. M., Silva, A. C. F., Monteiro, A., & Pereira, L. (2023). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accounting information systems and organizations’ performance. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 8(1), 18926 (1–15). +info

Goulart, P., & Tavares, A. (2023). Integrating knowledge forms in public transport planning and policies: the case of the Lisbon metropolitan area. Urban Research and Practice, 16(5), 751–773.

Heath, T., & Tynan, C. (2023). “We want your soul”: re-imagining marketing education through the arts. European Journal of Marketing, 57(10), 2808–2837.

Hussain, T., & Loureiro, G. (2023). Target industry takeover competition and the wealth effects of mergers and acquisitions: International evidence. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 89, 101865.

Jerónimo, J., Assis, J., Neves, P., & Thompson, M. J. (2023). Interactions between Financial Constraints and Economic Growth. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 67(101943).

Kelsey, D., Yannopoulou, N., Whittle, A., Heath, T., Golossenko, A., & Soares, A. M. (2023). The (army) hero with a thousand faces: A discourse-mythological approach to theorising archetypal blending in contemporary advertising. Marketing Theory, 23(1), 141–162.

Lages, C. R., Perez-Vega, R., Kadić-Maglajlić, S., & Borghei-Razavi, N. (2023). A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of the dark side of customer behavior: An integrative customer incivility framework. Journal of Business Research, 161.

Lazzari, E. A., Paschoalotto, M. A. C., Massuda, A., Rocha, R., & Castro, M. C. (2023). Social Determinants of Health in Brazil during the COVID-19 Pandemic: strengths and limitations of emergency responses. Health Affairs Scholar, 1(1). +info

Lordello, H., Caria, A., & Oliveira, L. (2023). The implementation of ERP in Brazilian federal university hospitals: an institutional analysis. Revista De Gestão e Secretariado - GeSeC, 14(5), 8200–8225.

Loureiro, G., & Silva, S. (2023). The wealth effects of takeover bids regulation in the European Union. European Financial Management, 29(3), 692–733.

Lukas, E., Pereira, P. J., & Rodrigues, A. (2023). On the determinants of the dynamic choice between mergers and tender offers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 83(102489).

Macedo, A., Dias, M. F., & Mourão, P. R. (2023). European Men's Club Football in the Eyes of Consumers: The Determinants of Television Broadcast Demand. Journal of Sports Economics, 24(5), 579–623.

Machado, C., & Davim, J. P. (2023). Sustainability in the Modernization of Higher Education: Curricular Transformation and Sustainable Campus—A Literature Review. Sustainability, 15(8615).

Magalhães, C., Araújo, A., & Marques, I. (2023). Hotel workers perceptions on soft and hard skills in Porto. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 22(1), 49–70.

Maličká, L., & Mourao, P. R. (2023). Political budget cycles at the municipal level in Slovakia: between structural dependence and electoral exhibitionism. Local Government Studies, 49(5), 1045–1073.

Martins, J., Veiga, L., & Fernandes, B. (2023). Are electronic government innovations helpful to deter corruption? Evidence from across the world. Economics and Politics, 35(3), 661–1203.

Martins, M. R., Mourão, P., & Costa, R. A. D. (2023). Backpackers’ Order And Visit Length In An Urban World Heritage Destination: An Analysis Using Ordered Logit And Linear Models. Tourism Review International, 27(1), 69–86.

Melo, P. N., Machado, C. F., & Brewster, C. (2023). Human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises: a performance model definition. Strategic Management - International Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Managemen, 28(2), 004–020.

Montenegro, T. M., Meira, P., & Silva, S. (2023). The investors’ prospects on mandatory auditor rotation: evidence from Euronext Lisbon. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 7(3), 440–462.

Moufahim, M., Heath, T., O’Malley, L., Casey, K., Denegri-Knott, J., Kuruoglu, A., … Pradhan, A. (2023). Teaching note–Critical pedagogies: practical examples from the marketing classroom. Journal of Marketing Management, 39(1-2), 149–165.

Mourão, P. R. (2023). The cycle of medieval cathedrals – Explaining the construction of Iberian cathedrals through economic development. European Review, 31(6), 613–631.

Mourão, P. R., Stanic, B., & Bronic, M. (2023). The Impact of Local Governments’ Budget Transparency on Debt in Croatia. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 18(2), 21–33. +info

Mourão, P., & Popescu, I. (2023). Investment, growth and competitiveness: The multiplier-accelerator in the 21st century. Journal of Competitiveness, 15(3), 60–78.

Oliveira, L., Almeida, J., & Caria, A. (2023). The environment in Petrobrás magazine (1961-1979): Meaning mobilized by corporate discourse. Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 25 (1), 52–71.

Oliveira, L., Caria, A., Oliveira, H. C., & Almeida, J. (2023). Managing Brazil’s participation in the 1970 football World Cup: meaning in the service of power. Management and Organizational History, 18(3-4), 244–273.

Pacheco, C., & Azevedo, A. (2023). Mapping the journey of the CoLiving experience of digital nomads, using verbal and visual narratives. World Leisure Journal, 65(2), 192–217.

Paramita, W., Septianto, F., Escadas, M., Arnita, D., & Nasution, R. A. (2023). The effects of organizational positioning and donation recognition on charitable giving: insights from moral foundations theory. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(5), 1093–1111. +info

Paschoalotto, M. A. C., Costa, E. P. P. A., de Almeida, S. V., Cima, J., da Costa, J. G., Santos, J. V., … Barros, P. P. (2023). Perceptions of institutional performance and compliance to non-pharmaceutical interventions: How performance perceptions and policy compliance affect public health in a decentralized health system. PLoS One, 18(5), e0285289. +info

Paschoalotto, M. A. C., Lazzari, E. A., Rocha, R., Massuda, A., & Castro, M. C. (2023). Health systems resilience: is it time to revisit resilience after COVID-19? Social Science and Medicine, 320.

Pelegrini, T., Sá, C., & França, M. T. A. (2023). Factors associated with the mobility of college students in Brazil: an analysis using a gravity model. Higher Education, 85(1), 203–223.

Pinho, J. C., & Sá, E. (2023). Cross-cultural cognitive conditions and gender differences in the entrepreneurial activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gender in Management, 38(5), 634–652. +info

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Forthcoming (3)

Camões, P., & Tavares, A. Portugal: Elections and voting in a dual-tier, local government system. In A. Gendźwiłł, U. Kjae, & K. Steyvers (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Local Elections and Voting in Europe. Routledge. +info

Carneiro, C., & Brás, F. A. Evolução do marco legal do terceiro setor brasileiro. In T. Reuters-Aranzadi (Ed.), Investigar hoy en la Universidad de mañana. Navarra (Spain): Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi.

Fernandes, S., & Simão, L. Os conceitos e a evolução do multilateralismo: o nexo reflexão-ação. In S. F. e Licínia Simão (Ed.), O Multilateralismo: Conceitos e Práticas no Século XXI (pp. 9–17). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

2024 (7)

Brandão, A. P., Machado, C., & Pinto, L. (2024). Resposta comum à tragédia: da teoria das Relações Internacionais ao contributo dos países, das organizações e dos indivíduos. In P. Bandeira, S. Gaudêncio, & J. Rosas (Eds.), (E)vidência Futura. Braga/Guimarães: UMINHO Editora.

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