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CICP - Research Centre in Political Science
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Research Award
Research award
The EEG Research Prize was first established in 2009. It is awarded to the research article chosen by a panel of Chairmen of Scientific Councils. Candidates are EEG faculty, researchers, post-doc students, or EEG Research Units' members. Reference to EEG/UMinho is mandatory in their research articles.
Winners of Research Award:
Assigned in
Scientific area of Political Science
António Freitas Tavares
João Luís Martins
Tavares, A., Camões, P., & Martins, J. (2023). Joining the open government partnership initiative: An empirical analysis of diffusion effects. Government Information Quarterly, 40(2), 101789.
Scientific area of Econommics
Odd Rune Straume
Brekke, K. R., Dalen, D. M., & Straume, O. R. (2023). The price of cost-effectiveness thresholds under therapeutic competition in pharmaceutical markets. Journal of Health Economics, 90(102778).
Scientific area of Management
Beatriz Casais
Conde, R., & Casais, B. (2023).
Micro, macro and mega-influencers on Instagram: the power of persuasion via the parasocial relationship
. Journal of Business Research, 158, 113708.
Scientific area of Sustainability
Teresa Heath
Heath, T., & Tynan, C. (2023).
"We Want your soul": re-imagining marketing education through the arts
European Journal of Marketing
, 2808-2837
Assigned in
Scientific area of Political Science
António Freitas Tavares
Deslatte, A., Szmigiel-Rawska, K., Tavares, A. F., Ślawska, J., Karsznia, I., & Łukomska, J. (2022). Land use institutions and social-ecological systems: A spatial analysis of local landscape changes in Poland.
Land Use Policy, 114, 105937.
Scientific area of Econommics
Odd Rune Straume
Brekke, K. R., Dalen, D. M., & Straume, O. R. (2022). Paying for pharmaceuticals: uniform pricing versus two-part tariffs.
Journal of Health Economics, 83(May 2022), Article 102613.
Priscila Andrea Marques Ferreira
Saridakis, G., Ferreira, P., Mohammed, A. M., & Marlow, S. (2022).
The Relationship Between Gender and Promotion Over the Business Cycle: Does Firm Size Matter?
British Journal of Management
(2), 806–827.
Scientific area of Management
Cristiana Maria Silva Cerqueira Leal
Felipe, I. J. S., Mendes-Da-Silva, W., Leal, C. C., & Santos, D. B. (2022).
Reward crowdfunding campaigns: Time-to-success analysis
Journal of Business Research
, 214–228.
Scientific area of Sustainability
Maria Céu Ribeiro Cortez
Florinda Conceição Cerejeira Campos Silva
Cortez, M. C., Andrade, N., & Silva, F. (2022). The environmental and financial performance of green energy investments: European evidence.
Ecological Economics
, 107427.
Assigned in 2022
Linda Rosa Gonçalves Veiga
Costa, H., & Veiga, L. (2021). Local labor impact of wind energy investment: An analysis of Portuguese municipalities.
Energy Economics, 94, 105055.
Assigned in 2021
José Carlos Soares Brandão
Brandão, J. (2020). A memory-based iterated local search algorithm for the multi-depot open vehicle routing problem.
European Journal of Operational Research
(2), 559-571.
Assigned in 2020
Linda Rosa Gonçalves Veiga
Francisco José Alves Coelho Veiga
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2019). The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Governement Level.
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
(2), 394–421.
Assigned in 2019
Ricardo Sousa
Agnello, L., Castro, V., & Sousa, R. M. (2018). The Legacy and the Tyranny of Time: Exit and Re-Entry of Sovereigns to International Capital Markets.
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
(8), 1969–1994.
Assigned in 2018
Nelson Areal
Oliveira, N., Cortez, P., & Areal, N. (2017). The impact of microblogging data for stock market prediction: Using Twitter to predict returns, volatility, trading volume and survey sentiment indices.
Expert Systems with Applications
, 125–144.
Assigned in 2017
Rosa Branca Esteves
Esteves, R. B., & Resende, J. (2016). Competitive targeted advertising with price discrimination.
Marketing Science
(4), 576–587. DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2015.0967
Assigned in 2016
Gilberto Loureiro
Loureiro, G., & Taboada, A. G. (2015). Do Improvements in the Information Environment Enhance Insiders' Ability to Learn from Outsiders? Journal of Accounting Research, 53(4), 863–905. DOI: 10.1111/1475-679X.12082
Odd Rune Straume
Brekke, K. R., Holmås, T. H., & Straume, O. R. (2015). Price regulation and parallel imports of pharmaceuticals. Journal of Public Economics, 129, 92–105. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2015.08.002
Assigned in 2015
Miguel Portela
I. Sebastian Buhai; Miguel A. Portela; Coen N. Teulings e Aico Van Vuuren (2014). Returns to tenure or Seniority? Econometrica, Volume 82, Issue 2, Pages 705-730. DOI: 10.3982/ECTA8688
Assigned in
Cristina Amado
Amado, C.; Teräsvitra, T. (2013). Modelling Volatility by Variance Decomposition. Journal of Econometrics, Volume 175, Issue 2, Pages 142-153. Doi: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2013.03.006
Assigned in
Luís Aguiar-Conraria
Aguiar-Conraria, L.; Magalhães, P.; Soares, M. (2012). Cycles in Politics: Wavelet Analysis of Political Time-Series. The American Journal of Political Science; Doi:10.1111/j.1540-5907.2011.00566.x.
Assigned in
Francisco José Veiga
Linda Gonçalves Veiga
Aidt,T.; Veiga, F.J.; Veiga, L. (2011). Election results and opportunistic policies: A new test of the rational political business cycle model. Public Choice, Volume: 148 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 21-44; Doi:10.1007/s11127-010-9644-3.
Assigned in
Gilberto Loureiro
Loureiro, G. (2010). The reputation of underwriters: A test of the bonding hypothesis. Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Pages: 516-532; Doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2010.06.006.
Assigned in
Odd Rune Straume
Lommerud, K.; Meland, F.; Straume, O. (2009). Can deunionization lead to international outsourcing? Journal of International Economics, Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Pages: 109-119; Doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2008.09.008.
Assigned in
Luís Aguiar-Conraria
Aguiar-Conraria, L.; Azevedo, N.; Soares, M. (2008). Using Wavelets to Decompose the Time-Frequency Effects of Monetary Policy. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume: 387 Issue: 12 Pages: 2863-2878; Doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.01.063.