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Workshop I PhD Programme in Economics Voltar

sexta-feira, 16/06/2017    University of Minho - Campus de Gualtar | EEG
phd workshop in economics
A quinta edição do workshop dos alunos do Doutoramento em Economia, organizada pela Direção do mesmo Programa Doutoral, desenvolvido em conjunto pela EEG I UMinho e a Universidade de Coimbra, contempla sessões de apresentação e discussão dos trabalhos realizados pelos alunos deste Programa de estudos, sob diferentes temas de Economia. O workshop é aberto a estudantes de Doutoramento de universidades portuguesas e estrangeiras.

Articles in all related fields of Economics will be considered. The workshop accepts articles by PhD students from Portuguese and foreign universities, and will consist of oral presentations of selected papers followed by a discussion by the attendees. Sessions will take place at the School of Economics and Management (UMinho). Papers and oral presentations should be in English.

The 14th NIPE’s Summer School and PhD workshop will be offered sequentially. From June 12th to 14th, Professor Roger Koenker from Universidade de Illinois will give a three-day based on different course outlines in “Advances in Quantile Regression”.

Applications to the workshop

Applications should be sent to PhD-econ@eeg.uminho.pt, including a full paper or extended abstract enclosed with a short CV of the presenter(s). The deadline for submission is the 8th of May 2017 and decisions will be announced before May 19th, 2017.


09:00 to 09:30 – Registration and welcome reception of the participants
09:30 to 10:30 – Plenary session "The decreasing returns of serial acquirers around the world", by Gilberto Loureiro, winners of the 2016 EEG Research Award
10:30 to 11:00 – Coffee break
11:00 to 12:30 – Morning session
12:30 to 14:00 – Lunch
14:00 to 15:30 – Afternoon sessions
15:30 to 16:00 – Coffee break
16:00 to 17:30 – Afternoon sessions
17:30 – City Tour


No fees will be charged.


Local expenses and travelling costs will not be covered.

Organizing committee
Miguel Portela (University of Minho) – mangelo@eeg.uminho.pt
Ziad Ghandour (University of Minho) – PhD Student
Miguel Ângelo Reis Portela
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Universidade do Minho
Telefone: 253 601910
e-mail: PhD-econ@eeg.uminho.pt
​​​​​​​​   Programa
​​​​​​​​   cartaz programa
phd workshop in economics