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Master in International Relations


​​​​This Course is an advanced education programme in the field of International Relations and the problems and challenges as posed by the world agenda. It furthers and enhances specialised development of intellectual and technical skills in specific areas, such as International Negotiation, Diplomacy, Integration, Geopolitics, Security, Strategic Studies, Human Rights and Citizenship​.​​

Specialization Diploma: Completing the academic part of the course guarantees you the opportunity to apply for your Specialization Diploma in International Relations.


Language of instruction: Portuguese​

Applications and Vacancies

Tuition fees


Admission Criteria


Note: ​

The UC "Data Analysis and Transferable Skills" requires the attendance of modules credited to the course in the EEG DataPro programme and the EEGenerating Skills programme, which may run outside of the Scheduled Class.



Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
3 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Political Science and International Relations


    School of Economics and Management
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604510 Fax: +351 253601380


The Master in International Relations aims to provide advanced training on the main trends and dynamics of contemporary International Relations; deepen knowledge in specific fields such as Diplomacy, International Organizations and Area Studies, with particular emphasis on European Union Studies. This course also aims to develop intellectual and practical skills in the specialized field of IR, as well as transferable skills, highlighting the ability of analysis and argumentation, communication, problem solving and teamwork. The most specific objectives of the Master's degree are to provide knowledge on the main theories, concepts, developments and trends in the field of current IR; familiarize students with academic arguments on the main issues of current international and European affairs; and foster the deepening of the capacity for autonomous study and research.

Key learning outcomes

The IR Master course is based on the acquisition and development of competences, moving away from the mere transmission of the knowledge taught, as advocated by the Bologna Process. The Master in International Relations is expected to demonstrate upon completion of the degree a whole set of general, knowledge and understanding as well as intellectual skills.
1. In the field of general capacities, they are expected to demonstrate the capacity for research, analysis and critical reflection based on scientific knowledge.
2. In the domain of knowledge and understanding, advanced knowledge and understanding of the theories, concepts and ongoing debates in the area of International Relations are expected; as well as the research methods used in International Relations; and searching the sources, in different media (printed, oral, electronic).
3. In the field of intellectual capacities, the development of independent research, autonomous thinking, comparison and evaluation of concepts and paradigms, critical thinking of political events, ideas, institutions and practices are expected, applying the concepts, theories and methods used in the study. IR; formulating and defending positions, coherently and concisely, based on scientific literature and empirical evidence;
4. In the field of transferable skills, they are expected to demonstrate the capacity for initiative and innovation, to work autonomously and as a team, the ability to organize, plan and manage time according to the defined timetables.

Access to higher education

This Master degree provides basic training to carry out a course of 3rd cycle (PhD) in the same scientific area, or other áreas.


The Master in International Relations aims specialized training for several functions, including senior positions in international organizations, departments and offices of international relations of ministries, town councils and other public bodies as well as non-governmental organizations, private companies, banks and other financial institutions. The Master also qualifies students for involvement at the most advanced level in research activities.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho 

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

Candidates to the Master in International Relations must have a bachelor degree in International Relations, Political Science or in related areas such as Military Sciences, Law and Economics, or other Social Sciences.
Experience in the diplomatic career or in governing bodies is also valued.

Application deadlines

Information on Application Deadlines can be found at:

Registration deadlines

Information on Registration Deadlines can be found at:

Aditional Information

Study Plan


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2547/2011/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: