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Master in International Business


The target audience are the young graduates who develop or wish to enhance the prospects of their professional career in companies or entities that realise and steer international operations. The programme aims at transmitting in-depth knowledge about the functioning of international markets and on the main aspects of operations management and international business strategy​.​​​

Specialization Diploma: Completing the academic part of the course guarantees you the opportunity to apply for your Specialization Diploma in International Business.


Language of instruction: Portuguese​

This master's program is part of the portfolio of courses in the University of Minho's Postgraduate Alliance project, which is the result of UMinho's application to the Impulso Adultos and Impulso Jovens Steam (PRR/NextGenerationEU) investments. In this context, merit scholarships will be awarded to full-time students who have passed all curricular units in the 1st and 2nd year - only students who are tax resident in Portugal at the time the course is funded and aged 18 or over can be considered. See the model for awarding scholarships:​ ​

Applications and Vacancies

Tuition fees


Admission Criteria ​​​​​​​​

Note: ​

The UC "Data Analysis and Transferable Skills" requires the attendance of modules credited to the course in the EEG DataPro programme and the EEGenerating Skills programme, which may run outside of the Scheduled Class.



Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
3 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Management
  • Economics


    School of Economics and Management
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604510 Fax: +351 253601380


The Master in International Business is designed and structured to provide the theoretical knowledge, skills and competences to deal with the cultural, economic and regulatory diversity of international markets. It offers a multidisciplinary approach that includes strategy, management, marketing, economics and law, to address the complexity of international business practices. Complementary, it offers a set of conferences, seminars, lectures and workshops aimed at providing skills development both in the field of data analysis (Excel, SPSS, Stata,…) and personal skills (such as creativity, leadership, negotiating skills, professional image and emotional intelligence). This training should promote students ‘integration in the labour market by training professionals able to work in companies and organizations operating in an international context, inside and outside their home country, and / or updating and deepening knowledge in these areas of knowledge, providing opportunities for progressing in current professional careers or retraining.

Key learning outcomes

1. Provide solid training in areas of knowledge that are critical for companies and organizations operating in an international context, including: the international business environment, global economy, cross-border trade regulation, internationalization strategies, international marketing, international management of the global supply chain and negotiation in intercultural contexts;
2. Provide awareness, knowledge and understanding of issues affecting international business in various scenarios and contexts of global markets and supply chains;
3. Develop the ability to critically evaluate and apply core concepts, analytical tools and frameworks in an integrated manner across subjects to identify the dynamics and constraints of managing internationally;
4. Provide comprehensive knowledge and skills for professional development in firms, non-governmental organizations and multilateral international organizations;
5. Develop academic research skills;
6. Develop students’ transferable intellectual and employability skills;
7. Help to develop a global mindset.

Access to higher education

The Master International Business offers grounding for academic studies at PhD level in the areas of Economics and Management.


Graduates emerge from this program equipped with the tools to work on the international stage in a wide range of organization, such as small firms, large corporations, multinational enterprises, government agencies or not-for-profit organizations. Typical positions include: Foreign Market Development, Import & Export Management, International Administration Management, International Business Consultancy, International Entrepreneurship, International marketing Management, International Project Management, International Strategy Management, International Trade Management, and Marketing Consultancy.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho 

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Formal requirements

- Holders of bachelor's degree or postgraduate studies, or legal equivalent, in any scientific field. Graduates in International Business, Management, Economics and International Relations are assigned the same weight (4 points) Candidates with a Bachelor in Languages and Business Relations, Engineering / Mathematics and related fields get slightly lower weights (3 points);
- Holders of a foreign academic degree conferred after a first cycle of studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this process;
- Holders of a foreign academic degree that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree;
- Holders of an academic, scientific or professional CV attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies.

Application deadlines

Information on Application Deadlines can be found at:

Registration deadlines

Information on Registration Deadlines can be found at:

Aditional Information


Inserido no Portefólio de Cursos do Projeto “Aliança de Pós-Graduação” (Impulso Adultos – PRR) da Universidade do Minho.

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 International Logistics G 6
S1 Law, Consumption and Business D 6
S1 Strategy and International Marketing G 6
S1 Topics in Economics of the Multinational Corporation E 6
S1 Topics in Global Economics E 6
S2 Data Analysis and Transferable Skills CPRI; G; E; CA 6
S2 Research Methodology and Proposal G 6
S2 Topics in International Business CPRI; G; E 6
S2 Opção I 6
Business Analytics G 6
Corporate Strategy G 6
Digital Marketing and e-Business G 6
Economic and Financial Operations in International Trade E 6
Economics of Knowledge and Innovation E 6
Entrepreneurship G 6
Financial and Sustainability Reporting G 6
Innovation and Change Management G 6
International Finance G 6
International Monetary and Financial Economics E 6
Marketing and Sustainability G 6
Policies and Practices in Human Resource Management G 6
Principles of Auditing G 6
Sustainability in Global Supply Chains G 6
Transports and Distribution G 6
S2 Opção II 6
Business Analytics G 6
Contemporary Geopolitics CPRI 6
Corporate Strategy G 6
Digital Marketing and e-Business G 6
Economic and Financial Operations in International Trade E 6
Economics of Knowledge and Innovation E 6
Entrepreneurship G 6
Environmental Policies CA 6
Financial and Sustainability Reporting G 6
Innovation and Change Management G 6
International Finance G 6
International Monetary and Financial Economics E 6
International Security CPRI 6
Marketing and Sustainability G 6
Policies and Practices in Human Resource Management G 6
Principles of Auditing G 6
Sustainability in Global Supply Chains G 6
Transnational Actors and Dynamics CPRI 6
Transports and Distribution G 6
Year 2 30
S1 Opção III 30
Dissertation G; E 30
Internship G; E 30
Project Work G; E 30


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2537/2011/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: