Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira é Professora Catedrática de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais da Universidade do Minho. Desde 2012 tem actuado como Professora Visitante da Universidade de São Paulo (DCP e IRI). É Doutora em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade de Kent, no Reino Unido. Tem proferido palestras (a convite) em universidades e think tanks na Alemanha, Brasil, Cabo Verde, China, Itália, Polónia, Roménia e Uruguai.
Autora e coordenadora de vários livros, tem já publicado um número expressivo de artigos em revistas internacionais de referência, tais como, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, European Security, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, International Politics, Journal of European Integration e Cooperation and Conflict, de entre outras.
Em Outubro de 2010 foi distinguida com o ‘Prémio Científico UTL/Santander Totta 2010’ pela sua actividade de investigação na área científica de Relações Internacionais.
É membro dos corpos editoriais das revistas Contemporary Politics e Global Society; e membro-fundador da European International Studies Association.
Estudos da União Europeia (com ênfase nas relações internacionais da União Europeia e na sua Política Externa
de Segurança e Defesa); Segurança Regional e Internacional; Organizações Internacionais de Segurança; Política Externa Portuguesa
Publicações selecionadas
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2016). The European Union’s partnership policy towards Brazil: more than meets the eye. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), 55–77. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2015). Ukraine in the European Union’s Partnership Policy: A case of institutionalized ambiguity. European Politics and Society, 16(2), 143–158. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Groom, A. J. R. (2010). Mutual solidarity within the EU common foreign and security policy: What is the name of the game. International Politics, 47(6), 596–616. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2008). Portugal and the 2007 EU Presidency: A case of constructive bridge-building. Journal of Common Market Studies, 46(SUPPL.1), 61–70. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2006). Inside the fence but outside the walls: Austria, Finland and Sweden in the post-cold war security architecture. Cooperation and Conflict, 41(1), 99–122. DOI
Outras publicações
Silva, C., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. EU policy opposition within the post-2008 European parliament: scrutinising Eurosceptic political groups in competition . Journal of European Integration. DOI
Ribeiro-Lemos, S., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2024). Conceptions of a Rogue State in a Comparative Perspective: The United States and European Union vis-à-vis North Korea. Contemporary Politics, 30(2), 137–156. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2023). Portugal na União Europeia: Sobre um Percurso Transformador. In J. Fernandes, P. Magalhães, & A. C. Pinto (Eds.), O Essencial da Política Portuguesa (1ª., pp. 767–788). Lisbon: Tinta da China. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Duarte, P. A. B. (2023). The South Atlantic in China’s Global Policy: Why it Matters? In P. A. B. Duarte, F. J. B. S. Leandro, & E. M. Galán (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative (1st ed., pp. 705–722). Singapura: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Raimundo, A. (2023). Small EU Member States and Brexit: Introduction. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(3), 581–589. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Duarte, P. A. B., & Santos, N. (2023). Why is China Going Polar? Understanding Engagement and Implications for the Arctic and Antartica. In P. A. B. Duarte, F. J. B. S. Leandro, & E. M. Galán (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics (1ª., pp. 765–782). Singapura: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Pinto, J. M., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2023). The Portuguese Science Diplomacy and EU’s External Activities with Lusophone Africa: Looking at the Co-Building Approach. In P. Duarte, R. Albuquerque, & A. Tavares (Eds.), Portugal and the Lusophone World: Law, Geopolitics and Institutional Cooperation (1ª., pp. 419–443). Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2022). Portugal in the European Union: Chronicling a Transformative Journey . In J. Fernandes, P. Magalhães, & A. C. Pinto (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics (1.ª., pp. 648–665). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Melo, D. (2022). The European Union and Maritime Security: Origins, Developments and Latest Trends. In A. S. R. Francisco Eduardo Alves de Almeida & W. de Sousa Moreira (Eds.), The Influence of Sea Power upon Maritime Studies (1ª., pp. 128–153). Rio de Janeiro: Letras Marítimas. DOI
Paulo, P. A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2022). The Soft Power of China and the European Union in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Strategy. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 30(4), 593–607. DOI
Raimundo, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2022). Hedging its bets? Portugal’s diplomatic strategies for a post-Brexit Europe. European Politics and Society, 23(3), 395–409. DOI
Raimundo, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2022). Portugal’s Strategic Responses to Brexit: Enduring Europeanization? Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 1–13. DOI
Amorim, S. C., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2021). Brazil’s quest for autonomy in Asia: The role of strategic partnerships with China and Japan. Revista Brasileira De Política Internacional , 64(2), e003. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2021). European Union-Brazil Relations: A Strategic Partnership in Suspended Animation. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira & M. Smith (Eds.), The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World (1ª., pp. 151–175). London: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Duarte, P. A. B. (2021). China and the Belt and Road Initiative in Europe: The Case of Portugal. In S. Minas & V. Ntousas (Eds.), The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (1ª., pp. 218–234). London: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Pinto, J. M. (2021). Soft Power in the European Union’s Strategic Partnership Diplomacy: The Erasmus Plus Programme. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira & M. Smith (Eds.), The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World (1ª., pp. 69–94). London: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Smith, M. (2021). The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World (1ª.). London: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Smith, M. (2021). Introducing the European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira & M. Smith (Eds.), The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World (1ª., pp. 1–17). London: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Smith, M. (2021). Strategic Partnerships in European Union’s External Action: Evolution and Analysis of a Developing Policy Instrument. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira & M. Smith (Eds.), The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Contested World (1ª., pp. 21–47). London: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. (2020). Portugal e as Presidências do Conselho da União Europeia: Promovendo a ‘Europa Global’ em Busca de Relevância Internacional. Relações Internacionais, (68), 39–58. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2020). The Mainstreaming of Security and Defense in the European Union Post-2016: Building Self-Resilience in Challenging Times. In B. Weiffen & D. Nolte (Eds.), Regionalism Under Stress: Between Desintegration and Resilience (1st ed., pp. 98–115). New York: Routledge. DOI
Grault, L. B. C., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2020). Maritime Cooperation in the EU-China Relations and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: What is at Stake? In F. J. B. S. Leandro & P. A. B. Duarte (Eds.), The Belt and Road Initiative: An Old Archetype of a New Development Model (pp. 255–281). Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Kotyashko, A., Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2018). Normative resistance to responsibility to protect in times of emerging multipolarity: The cases of Brazil and Russia. Revista Brasileira De Politica Internacional, 61(1), 1–22. DOI
Tulmets, E., Vieira, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2018). Introduction: Competing conditionalities? Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus between the European Union and Russia. European Politics and Society, 19(4), 451–470. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. (2017). Developments in European Union-Africa Relations and their Implications for Asia. In P. A. Raposo, D. Arase, & S. Cornelissen (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Africa–Asia Relations (pp. 404–419 ). Abingdon: Routledge. DOI
Rodrigues, C., Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. (2017). A Política Migratória da União Europeia em Relação a Cabo Verde: A Parceria para a Mobilidade em Análise. In L. de Pina, G. Pina, & O. Varela (Eds.), Estudos em Comemoração do X Aniversário do ISCJS - Dinâmicas Sociológicas, Estado e Direito (pp. 303–346). Praia, Cape Verde: Edições do Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2016). The European Union’s partnership policy towards Brazil: more than meets the eye. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), 55–77. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2016). Introduction: The European Union’s strategic partnerships: conceptual approaches, debates and experiences. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), 3–17. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2015). Eu–brazil relations as a developing field of study: State-of-the-art and perspectives on future research. In A. K. Aarstad, E. Drieskens, K. E. Jorgensen, K. Laatikainen, & B. Tonra (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy (pp. 646–658). Sage. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2015). Ukraine in the European Union’s Partnership Policy: A case of institutionalized ambiguity. European Politics and Society, 16(2), 143–158. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A., & Schaik, L. V. (2015). Portugal and the Netherlands: Punching above their weight? In R. Balfour, C. Carta, & K. Raik (Eds.), The European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence or Divergence? (pp. 137–151). Taylor & Francis. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2014). Portugal in the European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience. Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2014). Introduction. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira (Ed.), Portugal in the European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience (pp. 1–11). New York: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2014). Portugal and the Development of the European Foreign and Security Identity: Shifting into Committed Europeanism. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira (Ed.), Portugal in the European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience (pp. 143–159). London/Nova Iorque: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Groom, A. J. R. (2014). Conclusion. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira (Ed.), Portugal in the European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience (pp. 218–226). New York: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Martins, B. (2014). Stepping Inside? ESDP Missions and EU Counterterrorism. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira & B. Martins (Eds.), The European Union’s Fight Against Terrorism: The CFSP and Beyond (pp. 79–98). London, New York: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Martins, B. (2014). The External Dimension of European Union’s Fight Against Terrorism: Introduction to Empirical and Theoretical Developments. In L. C. Ferreira-Pereira & B. Martins (Eds.), The European Union’s Fight Against Terrorism: The CFSP and Beyond (pp. 1–15). London/New York: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Martins, B. O. (2014). The European Union’s Fight Against Terrorism: The CFSP and Beyond. Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A. V. G., & de Melo, F. S. (2014). A União Europeia como Ator na Vizinhança do Leste: O Caso da Ucrânia. Contexto Internacional, 36(2), 487–517. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A., & van Schaik, L. (2014). Portugal and the European External Action Service. In R. Balfour & K. Raik (Eds.), European External Action Service and National Diplomacies (Março., pp. 85–95). EPC: European Policy Centre. DOI
Vieira, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2014). EU-Cape Verde Special Partnership and Portugal. In C. M. Sarmento & S. Costa (Eds.), Entre África e a Europa: Nação, Estado e Democracia em Cabo Verde (pp. 567–578). Coimbra: Almedina. DOI
Tran, P. T., Vieira, A. V. G., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2013). Vietnam's strategic hedging vis-à-vis china: The roles of the European Union and Russia | O hedging estratégico do Vietnam face à ascensão da china: O papel da União Europeia e da Rússia. Brazilian Journal of International Relations , 56(1), 163–182. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2012). The European Union as a ‘Model Power’: Spreading Peace, Democracy and Human Rights in the Wider World.’ In F. Bindi & I. Angelescu (Eds.), The European Union Foreign Policy: Assessing Europe's Role in the World (pp. 293–305). Washington D.C: Brookings Institution Press. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Martins, B. O. (2012). The external dimension of the European Union’s counter-terrorism: an introduction to empirical and theoretical developments. European Security, 21(4), 459–473. DOI
Martins, B. O., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2012). Stepping inside? CSDP missions and EU counter-terrorism. European Security, 21(4), 537–556. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2010). Promoting Peace, Democracy and Human Rights in the World: Is ‘Model Power Europe’ a Contradiction in Terms? In F. Bindi (Ed.), The European Union Foreign Policy: Assessing Europe's Role in the World (pp. 290–302). Washington D.C: Brookings Institution Press. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Groom, A. J. R. (2010). Mutual solidarity within the EU common foreign and security policy: What is the name of the game. International Politics, 47(6), 596–616. DOI
Vieira, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. (2010). The European Union – Cape Verde Special Partnership: The Role of Portugal. Portuguese Journal of International Affairs, 42–49. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Freire, M. R. (2009). International relations in Portugal: The state of the field and beyond. Global Society, 23(1), 79–96. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. (2008). Portugal e a Presidência da União Europeia (1992-2007). Relações Internacionais, 20, 131–143. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2008). Mapping the formative dynamics of the 13th Constitutional Government: From General Estates to the governmental mandate and beyond. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 7(3), 195–217. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2008). Portugal and the 2007 EU Presidency: A case of constructive bridge-building. Journal of Common Market Studies, 46(SUPPL.1), 61–70. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2007). Between Scylla and Charybdis: Explaining Portugal’s Approach to the European Foreign and Security Policy. Journal of European Integration, 29(2), 209–228. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2006). Inside the fence but outside the walls: Austria, Finland and Sweden in the post-cold war security architecture. Cooperation and Conflict, 41(1), 99–122. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2005). The Militarily Non-Allied States in the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: Solidarity ‘Ma Non Troppo'. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 13(1), 21–37. DOI
Ferreira‐Pereira, L. C. (2005). Swedish Military Neutrality: Old Habits Die Hard. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 6(3), 463–489. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2004). The Militarily Non-Allied States in the CFSP of the 1990s. European Integration - Online Papers, 4(3). DOI
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