Professora Auxiliar do Departamento de Gestão da Escola de Economia e Gestão da Universidade do Minho, desde fevereiro de 2010, onde iniciou a sua carreira em maio de 2000, na qualidade de Assistente Estagiária, tendo passado a Assistente em setembro de 2003.
Gestão da diversidade humana no local de trabalho
Disseminação global e tradução local do conhecimento em gestão
Retórica e ação em gestão
Publicações selecionadas
Barbosa, I., & Carvalho, A. (2019). Illusionists and Puppet Masters: Adoption profiles of new management models. Organizational Dynamics, 48(4). DOI
Barbosa, I. (2017). Hard Times, Less Compassion? Distinct Perspectives Towards Distinct Minorities in the Portuguese Organizational Context. In C. Machado & J. P. Davim (Eds.), Managing Organizational Diversity: Trends and Challenges in Management and Engineering (pp. 29–48). Springer. DOI
Barbosa, I., Freire, C., & and M. P. Santos. (2017). The Transferable Skills Development Programme of a Portuguese Economics and Management Faculty: The perceptions of graduate students. In C. Machado (Ed.), Competencies and (Global) Talent Management (pp. 25–47). Germany: Springer Verlag. DOI
Barbosa, I., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2014). Words fly quicker than actions: The globalization of the diversity discourse. In M. A. H. & P. W. G.S. Drori (Ed.), Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management, Perspectives on Glocalization (pp. 146–160). New York and London: Routledge. DOI
Barbosa, I., & Cabral‐Cardoso, C. (2010). Equality and diversity rhetoric: one size fits all? Globalization and the Portuguese context. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 29(1), 97–112. DOI
Outras publicações
Freire, C., & Barbosa, I. (2023). Assessing Graduates' Transversal Competences through an adapted MMI model: Confidant Interview vs Stress Interview. Education and Training, 65(1), 146–162. DOI
Barbosa, I., & Carvalho, A. (2019). Illusionists and Puppet Masters: Adoption profiles of new management models. Organizational Dynamics, 48(4). DOI
Barbosa, I., & Freire, C. (2019). Portuguese employers’ perceptions on management undergraduates’ transferable competencies. Journal of Management Development, 38(2), 141–156. DOI
Freire, C., Brito, M., & Barbosa, I. (2018). Corporate Social Responsability: The Case of East Timor Multinationals. In C. Machado & P. Davim (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility in Management and Engineering (pp. 99–146). River Publishers. DOI
Barbosa, I. (2017). Hard Times, Less Compassion? Distinct Perspectives Towards Distinct Minorities in the Portuguese Organizational Context. In C. Machado & J. P. Davim (Eds.), Managing Organizational Diversity: Trends and Challenges in Management and Engineering (pp. 29–48). Springer. DOI
Barbosa, I., Freire, C., & and M. P. Santos. (2017). The Transferable Skills Development Programme of a Portuguese Economics and Management Faculty: The perceptions of graduate students. In C. Machado (Ed.), Competencies and (Global) Talent Management (pp. 25–47). Germany: Springer Verlag. DOI
Barbosa, Í., & Freire, C. (2017). As perceções dos empregadores portugueses sobre as competências transversais dos recém-licenciados em Economia e Gestão. In A. P. Marques, C. Sá, J. R. Casanova, & L. S. Almeida (Eds.), Ser Diplomado do Ensino Superior: Escolhas, Percursos e Retornos (pp. 160–174). Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd). DOI
Barbosa, I., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2014). Words fly quicker than actions: The globalization of the diversity discourse. In M. A. H. & P. W. G.S. Drori (Ed.), Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management, Perspectives on Glocalization (pp. 146–160). New York and London: Routledge. DOI
Barbosa, I., & Cabral‐Cardoso, C. (2010). Equality and diversity rhetoric: one size fits all? Globalization and the Portuguese context. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 29(1), 97–112. DOI
Fundamentos de Organização e Gestão
Gestão do Conhecimento e da Inovação
Introdução à Gestão