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2015 (85)

Agnello, L., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). Can re-regulation of the financial sector strike back public debt? Economic Modelling, 51, 159–171.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). Booms, Busts, and Normal Times in the Housing Market. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33(1), 25–45.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). Is fiscal fatigue a threat to consolidation programmes? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(4), 765–779.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., Jalles, J. T., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). Do debt crises boost financial reforms? Applied Economics Letters, 22(5), 356–360.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., Jalles, J. T., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). Fiscal consolidation and financial reforms. Applied Economics, 47(34-35), 3740–3755.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., Jalles, J. T., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). What determines the likelihood of structural reforms? European Journal of Political Economy, 37, 129–145.

Agnello, L., Dufrénot, G., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). Nonlinear effects of asset prices on fiscal policy: Evidence from the UK, Italy and Spain. Economic Modelling, 44, 358–362.

Areal, N., Oliveira, B., & Sampaio, R. (2015). When times get tough, gold is golden. European Journal of Finance, 21(6), 507–526.

Armada, M. J. R., Sousa, R. M., & Wohar, M. E. (2015). Consumption growth, preference for smoothing, changes in expectations and risk premium. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 56, 80–97.

Azevedo, N., Pinheiro, D., Xanthopoulos, S. Z., & Yannacopoulos, A. N. (2015). Contingent claim pricing through a continuous time variational bargaining scheme. Annals of Operations Research, 1–18.

Botelho, A., Dinar, A., Pinto, L. M. C., & Rapoport, A. (2015). Promoting cooperation in resource dilemmas: Theoretical predictions and experimental evidence. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 54, 40–49.

Botelho, A., Ferreira, P., Lima, F., Pinto, L. M. C., & Sousa, S. (2015). Assessment of the environmental impacts associated with hydropower. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Botelho, A., Lourenço-Gomes, L., Pinto, L. M. C., Sousa, P., Sousa, S., & Valente, M. (2015). Using Choice Experiments to Assess Environmental Impacts of Dams in Portugal. AIMS Energy, 3(3), 316–325.

Brandão, A. P. (2015). The Internal-External Nexus in the Security Narrative of the European Union. Janus.Net, 6(1), 1–20.

Brekke, K. R., Holmås, T. H., & Straume, O. R. (2015). Price regulation and parallel imports of pharmaceuticals. Journal of Public Economics, 129, 92–105.

Brekke, K. R., Siciliani, L., & Straume, O. R. (2015). Hospital Competition with Soft Budgets. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117(3), 1019–1048.

Carballo-Cruz, F. (2015). Cohesion Policy in the European Union: A brief critical review. Revista Brasileira De Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(4), 101–121.

Casais, B., & Proença, J. F. (2015). Communicating the Prevention of A Stigmatised Disease: a Macromarketing Perspective. Journal of Macromarketing, 35(1), 125–150.

Casais, B., & Proença, J. F. (2015). The Gap between Theory and Practice in Social Marketing: A Research about the use of Positive and Negative Appeals in European Television Advertising Preventing HIV/AIDS. Journal of Macromarketing, 35(1), 137–138.

Costa, A., & Azevedo, A. (2015). Destination branding: o papel dos stakeholders na gestão da marca de destino – o caso da região do Douro (Portugal). Revista Brasileira De Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(1), 182–205.

Costa, F., & Oliveira, L. (2015). A divulgação dos ativos fixos tangíveis segundo a IAS 16 e o seu grau de cumprimento. Innovar: Revista De Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, 25( Edición Especial), 47–60.

Costa, H., Veiga, L. G., & Portela, M. (2015). Interactions in Local Governments' Spending Decisions: Evidence from Portugal. Regional Studies, 49(9), 1441–1456.

Crispim, J., Rego, N., & Sousa, J. P. (2015). Stochastic partner selection for virtual enterprises: A chance-constrained approach. International Journal of Production Research, 53(12), 3661–3677.

Dantas, M. J. P., & Ferreira, A. P. (2015). Conteúdo e violação do contrato psicológico em enfermeiros chefe. Referência - Revista De Enfermagem I Journal of Nursing, IV(4), 31–39.

Dias, I. M. T., & Carvalhais, I. M. E. (2015). O nexo migração-desenvolvimento nas relações entre diásporas e estados: o caso das associações brasileiras e cabo-verdianas em Portugal. Brazilian Journal of International Relations , 4(3), 476–515.

Eloranta, J., Moreira, M. C., & Karvonen, L. (2015). Between Conflicts and Commerce: The Impact of Institutions and Wars on Swedish-Portuguese Trade, 1686-1815. The Journal of European Economic History, 2015(3 ), 9–50.

Esteves, R. B., & Vasconcelos, H. (2015). Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24(3), 523–549.

Farhangmehr, M., Jalali, M. S., & Silva, C. L. (2015). Anti-smoking themes – what works best for adolescents? International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 12(1), 17–35.

Faria, A. P., Barbosa, N., & Eiriz, V. (2015). Firm Innovation and Co-Location in Portugal. Growth and Change, 46(4), 574–592.

Ferreira, P. (2015). Market competition and executive pay. IZA World of Labor, Janeiro(115), 1–10.

Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2015). Ukraine in the European Union’s Partnership Policy: A case of institutionalized ambiguity. European Politics and Society, 16(2), 143–158.

Freire, C., & Azevedo, R. (2015). Empowering and trustful leadership: Impact on nurses’ commitment. Personnel Review, 44(5), 702–719.

Gomes, D., Giovannoni, E., Gutiérrez-Hidalgo, F., & Zimnovitch, H. (2015). Moving from regional to international publishing in accounting history: Pressures, issues, strategies and implications. Accounting History, 20(2), 183–205.

Guerreiro, M. S., Rodrigues, L. L., & Craig, R. (2015). Institutional Change of Accounting Systems: The Adoption of a Regime of Adapted International Financial Reporting Standards. European Accounting Review, 24(2), 379–409.

Hammoudeh, S., Lahiani, A., Nguyen, D. K., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). An empirical analysis of energy cost pass-through to CO2 emission prices. Energy Economics, 49, 149–156.

Hammoudeh, S., Nguyen, D. K., & Sousa, R. M. (2015). US monetary policy and sectoral commodity prices. Journal of International Money and Finance, 57, 61–85.

Leite, P., & Cortez, M. C. (2015). Performance of European socially responsible funds during market crises: Evidence from France. International Review of Financial Analysis, 40, 132–141.

Lommerud, K. E., Straume, O. R., & Vagstad, S. (2015). Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in hiring and promotion. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 116, 540–554.

Loureiro, G., & Taboada, A. G. (2015). Do Improvements in the Information Environment Enhance Insiders' Ability to Learn from Outsiders? Journal of Accounting Research, 53(4), 863–905.

Martins, L., & Queirós, S. (2015). Competition among pharmacies and the typology of services delivered: The Portuguese case. Health Policy, 119(5), 640–647.

Monteiro, N. P., & Stewart, G. (2015). Scale, Scope and Survival: A Comparison of Cooperative and Capitalist Modes of Production. Review of Industrial Organization, 47(1), 91–118.

Montenegro, T. M., & Bras, F. A. (2015). Audit Quality - A Resource-Based Perspective. Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 4(2), 19–46.

Montenegro, T. M., & Bras, F. A. (2015). Audit quality: does gender composition of audit firms matter? Revista Espanola De Financiacion y Contabilidad/Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, 44(3), 264–297.

Moreira, M. C. (2015). Portugal , 1775-1831. Revue De l'OFCE, 140(4), 319–333 .

Moreira, M. C., Eloranta, J., Ojala, J., & Karvonen, L. (2015). Early modern trade flows between smaller states: The Portuguese- Swedish trade in the eighteenth century as an exemple. Revue De l'OFCE, 140, 87–109 .

Mourao, P., & Cabral, J. P. (2015). Periodograms on fiscal illusion: discussing the cycle lengths of public finances in European countries. Applied Economics, 47(16), 1698–1709.

Mourão, P. (2015). The complex relation between Belarusian trade openness and the agricultural sector. Land Use Policy, 43, 74–81.

Mourão, P. R., & Teixeira, J. S. (2015). Gini playing soccer. Applied Economics, 47(49), 5229–5246.

Mourão, P., & Cima, C. (2015). Studying the Golden Generations' effects and the changes in the competitive balance of the Portuguese Soccer League. International Journal of Sport Finance, 10(1), 42–61.

Nguyen, D. K., Sousa, R. M., & Uddin, G. S. (2015). Testing for asymmetric causality between U.S. equity returns and commodity futures returns. Finance Research Letters, 12, 38–47.

Nogueira, S., & Pinho, J. C. (2015). Stakeholder Network Integrated Analysis: The Specific Case of Rural Tourism in the Portuguese Peneda-Gerês National Park. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(4), 325–336.

Palmeira, J. (2015). Lusophone Potential Role in Atlantic Security. Portuguese Studies Review, 23(1), 97–115.

Palmeira, J. (2015). Portugal: Presidente versus Parlamento. Tempo Exterior – Revista De Análise e Estudos Internacionais, XVI (I)(31), 23–31.

Pereira, C. A., Araújo, J. F. F. E., & de Lourdes Machado-Taylor, M. (2015). Acreditação do ensino superior nos países lusófonos: reflexões e práticas em Portugal e Brasil. Conhecimento &Amp; Diversidade, 13, 28–39.

Pereira, C. A., de Araújo, J. F. F. E., & de Lourdes Machado-Taylor, M. (2015). Acreditação do Ensino Superior na Europa e Brasil: mecanismos de garantia da qualidade. Revista De Políticas Públicas, 19(1), 61–75.

Pereira, O. P. (2015). VET: A strategic approach for economic, organizational and personal development in EU countries [A vet: Un achegamento estratéxico para o desenvolvemento económico, corporativo e persoal nos países da UE]. Revista Galega De Economia, 24(2), 121–134.

Pereira, O. P., & Coutinho, M. (2015). Crisis y transformaciones en los servicios de bienestar en Portugal. Una mirada al Sistema de la Seguridad Social. Documentación Social. Revista De Estudios Sociales y De Sociología Aplicada , (175), 177–200.

Pinheiro, M. L., Lucas, C., & Pinho, J. C. (2015). Social network analysis as a new methodological tool to understand university-industry cooperation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(1).

Pinheiro, M. L., Pinho, J. C., & Lucas, C. (2015). The outset of U-I R&D relationships: the specific case of biological sciences. European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(3), 282–306.

Pinho, J. C. M. R., & Soares, A. M. (2015). Response to advertising on online social networks: The role of social capital. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(3), 239–248.

Pinho, J. C., & Pinheiro, M. L. (2015). Social network analysis and the internationalization of SMEs: Towards a different methodological approach. European Business Review, 27(6), 554–572.

Pinto, M. C. (2015). Uma avaliação da resposta da União Europeia à Primavera Árabe. Oficina Do CES, (420), 1–20.

Pinto, M. D. C. (2015). Portugal: An Instrumental Approach to Peace Support Operations. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23(1), 118–139.

Remoaldo, P., Ribeiro, J. C., & Duque, E. (2015). The Environmental Impacts of Hosting the ´2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture` as Perceived by the Local Community. Ambiente y Desarrollo, 19(36), 25–38.

Ribeiro, J. C., & Remoaldo, P. (2015). Portuguese Publication in the Aim of Regional Science: a Study of the Articles Published in RPER from 2003 to 2015. Revista Brasileira De Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11( 4 ), 3–26 .

Ribeiro, V., Remoaldo, P., Gutiérrez, J., & Ribeiro, J. C. (2015). Acessibilidade e SIG no Planeamento em Saúde: uma Abordagem Baseada em Modelos de Alocação-Localização. Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, (38), 3–18.

Rodrigues, L. L., Craig, R. J., Schmidt, P., & Santos, J. L. (2015). Documenting, monetising and taxing Brazilian slaves in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Accounting History Review, 25(1), 43–67.

Santos, G. G. (2015). Narratives about Work and Family Life among Portuguese Academics. Gender, Work and Organization, 22(1), 1–15.

Sarmento, M. L., Farhangmehr, M., & Simões, C. (2015). A relationship marketing perspective to trade fairs: Insights from participants. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 30(5), 584–593.

Sarmento, M., Farhangmehr, M., & Simões, C. (2015). Participating in Business-to-Business Trade Fairs: Does the Buying Function Matter? Journal of Convention and Event Tourism, 16(4), 273–297.

Sarmento, M., Simões, C., & Farhangmehr, M. (2015). Applying a relationship marketing perspective to B2B trade fairs: The role of socialization episodes. Industrial Marketing Management, 44, 131–141.

Silva, W. M., Costa, N. C. A., Barros, L. A., Armada, M. R., & Norvilitis, J. M. (2015). Behavioral finance: Advances in the last decade. RAE Revista De Administracao De Empresas, 55(1), 10–13.

Silvestre, H. C., & de Araújo, J. F. F. E. (2015). A Teoria do Equilíbrio Pontuado nas Políticas Públicas Brasileiras: O Investimento Público nos Governos Locais do Ceará. Revista De Administração Contemporânea, 19(6), 696–711.

Simões, C., Singh, J., & Perin, M. G. (2015). Corporate brand expressions in business-to-business companies' websites: Evidence from Brazil and India. Industrial Marketing Management, 51, 59–68.

Soares, A. M., & Farhangmehr, M. (2015). Understanding patient satisfaction in a hospital emergency department. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 12(1), 1–15.

Sousa, B. M., & Silva, J. (2015). The brand management: a perspective applied in the context of sports media. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 3(4), 118–133.

Sousa, R. M. (2015). Linking wealth and labour income with stock returns and government bond yields. European Journal of Finance, 21(10-11), 806–825.

Sousa, R. M. (2015). What is the impact of wealth shocks on asset allocation? Quantitative Finance, 15(3), 493–508.

Sousa, R., & Aguiar-Conraria, L. (2015). Energy and carbon prices: A comparison of interactions in the European Union emissions trading scheme and the Western climate initiative market. Carbon Management, 6(3-4), 129–140.

Tavares, A. F., & Rodrigues, M. (2015). The Economic and Political Impacts of Top-Down Territorial Reforms: The Case of Sub-City Governments. Local Government Studies, 41(6), 956–976.

Teixeira, C., Gomes, D., & Borges, J. (2015). Introductory Accounting Students' Motives, Expectations and Preparedness for Higher Education: Some Portuguese Evidence. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 24(2), 123–145.

Teixeira, J. S., Santos, N., & Mourão, P. (2015). Changing the hidden rules - An Excel Template for discussing soccer’s competitive balance. International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 15(4), 179–184.

Tejedo-Romero, F., & Araujo, J. F. F. E. (2015). A gestão da informação do conhecimento organizacional das empresas. Observatorio (OBS*), 9(2), 189–205.

Tejedo-Romero, F., & Araújo, J. F. F. E. (2015). Determinants of Local Governments transparency in times of crisis: evidence from municipality level panel data. Administration and Society, 1–28.

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2014 (89)

Afonso, O., Monteiro, S., & Thompson, M. (2014). Innovation economy, productive public expenditure and economic growth. METROECONOMICA, 65(4), 671–689.

Afonso, O., Neves, P., & Thompson, M. (2014). The skill premium and economic growth with costly investment, complementarities and international technological-knowledge diffusion. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 23(6), 878–905.

Agnello, L., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). How does fiscal consolidation impact on income inequality? Review of Income and Wealth, 60(4), 702–726.

Agnello, L., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). The determinants of the volatility of fiscal policy discretion. Fiscal Studies, 35(1), 91–115.

Agnello, L., Castro, V., Jalles, J. T., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). Fiscal adjustments, labour market flexibility and unemployment. Economics Letters, 124(2), 231–235.

Aguiar-Conraria, L., & Soares, M. J. (2014). The continuous wavelet transform: Moving beyond uni- and bivariate analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(2), 344–375.

Alves, A., & Soares, A. M. (2014). L’introduction des avatars comme facteur de sociabilité sur les sites de E-Commerce: Perspectives pour les petits détaillants. Revue Française Du Marketing, 249(4/5), 65–78.

Amado, C., & Teräsvirta, T. (2014). Conditional correlation models of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity with nonstationary GARCH equations. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 32(1), 69–87.

Amado, C., & Teräsvirta, T. (2014). Modelling changes in the unconditional variance of long stock return series. Journal of Empirical Finance, 25, 15–35.

Antunes, S. F. (2014). Yes Scotland versus Better Together: desconstruindo o processo político para além dos slogans. Tempo Exterior – Revista De Análise e Estudos Internacionais, XV (I)(29), 105–119.

Araújo, J. F. F. E., & Silvestre, H. C. (2014). Public-private partnerships for developing road infrastructure: A recent experience in Portugal. Revista De Administracao Publica, 48(3), 571–593.

Araújo, J. F. F. E., & Álvarez, E. J. V. (2014). Redes de cooperação transfronteiriça, parcerias e desafios da governação local. RACE - Revista De Administração, Contabilidade e Economia, 13(3), 803–828.

Araújo, J. F. F. E., Tavares, A. F., & da Rocha, R. A. (2014). Universidades-Fundação: a empresarialização da educação superior em Portugal. Revista De Gestão Universitária Da América Latina, 7(1), 42–62.

Areal, N., & Rodrigues, A. (2014). Discrete dividends and the FTSE-100 index options valuation. Quantitative Finance, 14(10), 1765–1784.

Azevedo, N., Pinheiro, D., & Weber, G. W. (2014). Dynamic programming for a Markov-switching jump-diffusion. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 267, 1–19.

Barbosa, N., Faria, A. P., & Eiriz, V. (2014). Industry-and firm-specific factors of innovation novelty. Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(3), 865–902.

Bastos, P., Monteiro, N. P., & Straume, O. R. (2014). The effect of private versus public ownership on labour earnings. Oxford Economic Papers, 66(4), 983–1005.

Bastos, P., Monteiro, N. P., & Straume, O. R. (2014). The impact of private vs. public ownership on the level and structure of employment. Economics of Transition, 22(2), 247–280.

Botelho, A., Dinar, A., Pinto, L. M. C., & Rapoport, A. (2014). Time and uncertainty in resource dilemmas: equilibrium solutions and experimental results. Experimental Economics, 1–24.

Brekke, K. R., Levaggi, R., Siciliani, L., & Straume, O. R. (2014). Patient mobility, health care quality and welfare. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 105, 140–157.

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Carballo-Cruz, F., & Costa, V. (2014). Success factors of regional airports: The case of Oporto airport. Tourism and Management Studies, 10(1), 37–45.

Caria, A. A., & Rodrigues, L. L. (2014). The evolution of financial accounting in Portugal since the 1960s: A new institutional economics perspective. Accounting History, 19(1-2), 227–254.

Carr, J. B., & Tavares, A. (2014). City Size and Political Participation in Local Government: Reassessing the Contingent Effects of Residential Location Decisions Within Urban Regions. Urban Affairs Review, 50(2), 269–302.

Costa, P., Alves, R., Neto, I., Marvão, P., Portela, M., & Costa, M. J. (2014). Associations between medical student empathy and personality: a multi-institutional study. PLoS One, 9(3), 1–7.

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Esteves, R. B. (2014). Price Discrimination with Private and Imperfect Information. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 116(3), 766–796.

Esteves, R. B., & Reggiani, C. (2014). Elasticity of demand and behaviour-based price discrimination. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 32(1), 46–56.

Faria, A. P., & Barbosa, N. (2014). Does venture capital really foster innovation? Economics Letters, 122(2), 129–131.

Fernandes, A. P., Ferreira, P., & Winters, L. A. (2014). Firm entry deregulation, competition and returns to education and skill. European Economic Review, 70, 210–230.

Ferreira, A. P., & Leite, R. (2014). A Glimpse at the Portuguese Employees' Perceptions of Training and Development: what they get is what they see? International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering, 1(1), 1–16.

Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A. V. G., & de Melo, F. S. (2014). A União Europeia como Ator na Vizinhança do Leste: O Caso da Ucrânia. Contexto Internacional, 36(2), 487–517.

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Freire, C. (2014). Academic Misconduct Among Portuguese Economics and Business Undergraduate Students- A Comparative Analysis with Other Major Students. Journal of Academic Ethics, 12(1), 43–63.

Freire, C. (2014). The integrity factor in subordinates’ trust of their supervisors and its impact on commitment - Understanding its importance in Portuguese technological enterprises. International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering, 1(2), 17–39.

Gomes, D. R. R., & Júnior, G. M. (2014). Economic Income Statement: Perception of Aeronautical Command of Brazil . RAE Revista De Administracao De Empresas, 55(5), 548–559.

Gomes, D., Carnegie, G. D., & Rodrigues, L. L. (2014). Accounting as a Technology of Government in the Portuguese Empire: The Development, Application and Enforcement of Accounting Rules During the Pombaline Era (1761-1777). European Accounting Review, 23(1), 87–115.

Guerreiro, M. S., Rodrigues, L. L., & Craig, R. (2014). Changing from a Rules-based to a Principles-based Accounting Logic: A Review. Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal , 8(2), 110–120.

Hammoudeh, S. M., Nguyen, D. K., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). Energy prices and CO2 emission allowance prices: A quantile regression approach. Energy Policy, 70, 201–206.

Hammoudeh, S. M., Nguyen, D. K., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). What explain the short-term dynamics of the prices of CO2 emissions? Energy Economics, 46, 122–135.

Jawadi, F., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). Modelling the relationship between consumption and wealth in the US, the UK and the euro area. Revue d'Economie Politique, 124(4 ), 637–650.

Jawadi, F., Mallick, S. K., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). Fiscal policy in the BRICs. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 18(2), 201–215.

Jawadi, F., Mallick, S. K., & Sousa, R. M. (2014). Nonlinear monetary policy reaction functions in large emerging economies: The case of Brazil and China. Applied Economics, 46(9), 973–984.

Leite, P., & Cortez, M. C. (2014). Selectivity and timing abilities of international socially responsible funds. Applied Economics Letters, 21(3), 185–188.

Leite, P., & Cortez, M. C. (2014). Style and performance of international socially responsible funds in Europe. Research in International Business and Finance, 30(1), 248–267.

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Lourenço-Gomes, L., Pinto, L. M. C., & Rebelo, J. F. (2014). Visitors' preferences for preserving the attributes of a world heritage site. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(1), 64–67.

Machado, C. S., & Portela, M. (2014). Hours of work and retirement behavior. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, (3 (16), 1–22.

Marques, M., & Pinho, C. (2014). Effects of corporate taxation and bilateral tax treaties on European multinationals' investment, 2005-2009. A multicountry analysis. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 14(1), 33–34.

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Martins, A., Martins, I., & Petiz, O. (2014). Spiritual Capital and Leader Performance: How can Strategy be Defined? Journal of Strategic and International Studies, IX(3), 45–53.

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Martins, R., & Veiga, F. J. (2014). Does voter turnout affect the votes for the incumbent government? European Journal of Political Economy, 36, 274–286.

Martins, S., & Veiga, F. J. (2014). Government size, composition of public expenditure, and economic development. International Tax and Public Finance, 21(4), 578–597.

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Meneses, R., Coutinho, R., & Pinho, J. C. (2014). The impact of succession to family business internationalization: The successor’s perspective. Journal of Family Business Management, 4(1), 24–45.

Moreira, M. J. M., & Machado, C. F. (2014). Recruitment, selection, training and performance evaluation at the Portuguese Public Safety Police - Repercussions on work satisfaction, motivation and performance. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 28(4), 275–305.

Mourão, P. J. R. (2014). When municipalities go shopping—Portuguese direct awards. Public Money and Management, 34(6), 433–440.

Mourão, P. R. (2014). Does European regional competitiveness influence sports? An analysis of three sports. Applied Economics, 46(13), 1476–1489.

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