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Ana Maria Soares
Ph.D in Business Administration (University of Minho)
Department of Management
  Associate Professor with Habilitation
   253604558 , 253604550
Associate Professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at the School of Economics and Management. She is member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral programme in Marketing and Strategy and in Business Administration. She teaches several graduate, post-graduate and doctoral courses in international marketing and strategy and consumer behavior.
International marketing and strategy
consumer behavior
online social networks
Selected publications
Elmashhara, M., & Soares, A. M. (2022). Linking atmospherics to shopping outcomes: The role of the desire to stay. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64(102744), 1–10. DOI
Kheireddine, B. J., Soares, A. M., & Rodrigues, R. G. (2021). Understanding (in)tolerance between hosts and refugees in Lebanon. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1), 397–421. DOI
Elmashhara, M. G., & Soares, A. M. (2020). Entertain Me, I’ll Stay Longer! The Influence of Types of Entertainment on Mall Shoppers' Emotions and Behavior. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(1), 87–98. DOI
Elmashhara, M., & Soares, A. (2019). The impact of entertainment and social interaction with salespeople on mall shopper satisfaction. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 47(2), 94–110. DOI
Soares, A. M. (2018). Revisiting cultures’ consequences in international marketing studies. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 28(2), 214–220. DOI
Strategy and International Marketing
Corporate Strategy
Advanced Studies in Strategy
Brand and Product Management
Strategic Management
Internationalisation and Global Marketing
International Marketing