Alena Vieira holds PhD in Political Science from the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. She is Integrated Research of the CICP/UMinho. She was Visiting Researcher da Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Instituto Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (Lisbon), e Universidade Católica de Leuven. She has been granted scholarship and research grants by the following foundations: Chair Inbev-Baillet Latour; Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung; Haniel-Stiftung; Compania di San Paulo, Riksbanken Jubileumsfond e Volkswagen-Stiftung, as well as Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia. Her book “Russland, Belarus und die EU-Osterweiterung” was published by Ibidem-Verlag (2009), and she has also publishes as articles in several journals, including Europe-Asia Studies, Post-Soviet Affairs, Revista Brasileira da Política Internacional, Contexto Internacional, EIOP, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, International Spectator, e European Politics and Societies.
European Union
comparative approaches
Selected publications
Vieira, A. (2021). The European Union's ‘Potential We’ between Acceptance and Contestation: Assessing the Positioning of Six Eastern Partnership Countries*. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(2), 297–315. DOI
Vieira, A., & Vasilyan, S. (2018). Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities? European Politics and Society, 19(4), 471–489. DOI
Vieira, A. (2016). Ukraine, Russia and the strategic partnership dynamics in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood: recalibrating the EU’s ‘self’, ‘we’ and ‘other.’ Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), 128–150. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2016). Eurasian integration: elite perspectives before and after the Ukraine crisis. Post-Soviet Affairs, 32(6), 566–580. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2014). The Politico-Military Alliance of Russia and Belarus: Re-Examining the Role of NATO and the EU in Light of the Intra-Alliance Security Dilemma. Europe-Asia Studies, 66(4), 557–577. DOI
Other publications
Papageorgiou, M., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2024). Assessing the Changing Sino–Russian Relationship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Bilateral Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Period. Europe-Asia Studies, 76(4), 632–658. DOI
Bosse, G., & Vieira, A. (2023). Resilient states vs. resilient societies? The ‘dark side’ of resilience narratives in EU relations with authoritarian regimes: a case study of Belarus. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31(4), 1058–1072. DOI
Eslami, M., & Vieira, A. (2023). The Arms Race in the Middle East: Contemporary Security Dynamics. Springer Cham: Springer. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2023). Arms Sales as an Instrument of Russia’s Foreign Policy and the Shifting Security Dynamics of the Middle East. In M. Eslami & A. Vieira (Eds.), The Arms Race in the Middle East. Contemporary Security Dynamics. (Vol. 2023, pp. 241–256). Springer Cham: Springer. DOI
Can, M., & Vieira, A. (2022). The Chinese Military-Civil Fusion Strategy: A State Action Theory Perspective. International Spectator, 57(3), 85–102. DOI
Eslami, M., & Vieira, A. V. (2022). Shi'a principles and Iran's strategic culture towards ballistic missile deployment. International Affairs, 98(2), 675–688. DOI
Bosse, G., Höpner, M., & Vieira, A. (2021). Persuading the giant? Explaining eastern partnership states' (unexpected) negotiation success in relations with the European Union. International Negotiation, 27(2), 292–324. DOI
Papageorgiou, M. (M., & Vieira, A. (2021). A Friend in Need? The Sino-Russian Relationship Under the Coronavirus Crisis in Twitter: a Russian Perspective. East Asia: An International Quarterly, 38(3), 225–247. DOI
Vieira, A. (2021). The European Union's ‘Potential We’ between Acceptance and Contestation: Assessing the Positioning of Six Eastern Partnership Countries*. Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(2), 297–315. DOI
Eslami, M., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2020). Iran’s strategic culture: the ‘revolutionary’ and ‘moderation’ narratives on the ballistic missile programme. Third World Quarterly, 42(2), 312–328. DOI
Ramos, P., & Vieira, A. (2019). European Union, Russia and the MH17 Case: Strategic Narratives’ Analysis (2014-2019). Janus.Net, 10(2), 53–67. DOI
Kotyashko, A., Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2018). Normative resistance to responsibility to protect in times of emerging multipolarity: The cases of Brazil and Russia. Revista Brasileira De Politica Internacional, 61(1), 1–22. DOI
Tulmets, E., Vieira, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2018). Introduction: Competing conditionalities? Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus between the European Union and Russia. European Politics and Society, 19(4), 451–470. DOI
Vieira, A. (2018). Pariah State No More: Belarus’ International Actorness against the Backdrop of the Ukraine Conflict. In N. Verlag (Ed.), Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (Vol. 23, pp. 79–91). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. DOI
Vieira, A., & Vasilyan, S. (2018). Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities? European Politics and Society, 19(4), 471–489. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. (2017). Developments in European Union-Africa Relations and their Implications for Asia. In P. A. Raposo, D. Arase, & S. Cornelissen (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Africa–Asia Relations (pp. 404–419 ). Abingdon: Routledge. DOI
Rodrigues, C., Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. (2017). A Política Migratória da União Europeia em Relação a Cabo Verde: A Parceria para a Mobilidade em Análise. In L. de Pina, G. Pina, & O. Varela (Eds.), Estudos em Comemoração do X Aniversário do ISCJS - Dinâmicas Sociológicas, Estado e Direito (pp. 303–346). Praia, Cape Verde: Edições do Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais. DOI
Vieira, A. (2017). A Tale of Two Unions: Russia–Belarus Integration Experience and its Lessons for the Eurasian Economic Union. Journal of Borderland Studies, 32(1), 41–53 . DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2016). Introduction: The European Union’s strategic partnerships: conceptual approaches, debates and experiences. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), 3–17. DOI
Vieira, A. (2016). Ukraine, Russia and the strategic partnership dynamics in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood: recalibrating the EU’s ‘self’, ‘we’ and ‘other.’ Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(1), 128–150. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2016). Eurasian integration: elite perspectives before and after the Ukraine crisis. Post-Soviet Affairs, 32(6), 566–580. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., & Vieira, A. V. G. (2015). Ukraine in the European Union’s Partnership Policy: A case of institutionalized ambiguity. European Politics and Society, 16(2), 143–158. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A., & Schaik, L. V. (2015). Portugal and the Netherlands: Punching above their weight? In R. Balfour, C. Carta, & K. Raik (Eds.), The European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence or Divergence? (pp. 137–151). Taylor & Francis. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A. V. G., & de Melo, F. S. (2014). A União Europeia como Ator na Vizinhança do Leste: O Caso da Ucrânia. Contexto Internacional, 36(2), 487–517. DOI
Ferreira-Pereira, L. C., Vieira, A., & van Schaik, L. (2014). Portugal and the European External Action Service. In R. Balfour & K. Raik (Eds.), European External Action Service and National Diplomacies (Março., pp. 85–95). EPC: European Policy Centre. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2014). A Política Externa Russa em relação ao Norte: a Dimensão Setentrional e o Ártico. In M. R. Freire & P. Daehnhardt (Eds.), Novas Dinâmicas da Política Externa Russa: Desafios no Espaço Euro-Atlântico (pp. 249–247). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2014). The Politico-Military Alliance of Russia and Belarus: Re-Examining the Role of NATO and the EU in Light of the Intra-Alliance Security Dilemma. Europe-Asia Studies, 66(4), 557–577. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2014). Ukraine’s Crisis and Russia’s Closest Allies: A Reinforced Intra-Alliance Security Dilemma at Work. International Spectator, 49(4), 97–111. DOI
Vieira, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2014). EU-Cape Verde Special Partnership and Portugal. In C. M. Sarmento & S. Costa (Eds.), Entre África e a Europa: Nação, Estado e Democracia em Cabo Verde (pp. 567–578). Coimbra: Almedina. DOI
Tran, P. T., Vieira, A. V. G., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. C. (2013). Vietnam's strategic hedging vis-à-vis china: The roles of the European Union and Russia | O hedging estratégico do Vietnam face à ascensão da china: O papel da União Europeia e da Rússia. Brazilian Journal of International Relations , 56(1), 163–182. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G. (2013). The Many Patterns of Europeanization: European Union Relations with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In T. Cierco (Ed.), The European Union Neighbourhood. Challenges and Opportunities. Farnham: Ashgate. DOI
Vieira, A. (2012). Segurança e Cooperação no Espaço Pós-Soviético. Estratégia XXI, 03-01(XXI), 29–52. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G., & Lange, S. K. (2012). Beyond continuity: Analysis of the effects of the first trio presidency on policy coherence for development. European Integration - Online Papers, 16. DOI
Vieira, A., & Ferreira-Pereira, L. (2010). The European Union – Cape Verde Special Partnership: The Role of Portugal. Portuguese Journal of International Affairs, 42–49. DOI
Vieira, A. V. G., & Simão, L. (2009). Que papel para a NATO? Visões politicas da Geórgia e Bielorussia no contexto das relações entre o Ocidente e a Rússia. Lumiar Briefs - IEEI - Instituto De Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais, (10), 1–11. DOI