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Provider of Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto participates in CEOTalk EEG Back

Wednesday, 3/15/2023   
Ceo António Tavares
On March 14th another CEOTalk seminar was held in the DST Auditorium of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Minho. This session was attended by the Provider of Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Porto, António Tavares, who has a degree in Law and a PhD in Political Science, Citizenship and International Relations from Lusófona University of Porto, where he is the director of the degree in Political Science and Electoral Studies, and a national defense auditor. António Tavares is also Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of Montepio and of the Fiscal Council of Real Companhia.
In this lecture he brought to debate issues of Social Economy, Strategic and Operational issues of organizations and the way he developed his career over the years. The cycle of seminars called CEO Talks EEG, as part of the EEGenerating Skills Program, consist in presenting the life stories and experiences of people who, with their work and dedication, make a difference and stimulate the lives of others.
Never has there been such a close look at the commitment and performance of CEOs as there is today - knowing how they built their career, how they define strategic guidelines, how they manage change or how they stimulate the growth of people and organizations, are questions that concern us and that are explored in these conversations with different Portuguese CEOs.
Gabinete de Comunicação
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Universidade do Minho
Telefone: 253 604541
Ceo António Tavares