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Natália Pimenta Monteiro
Ph.D in Economics (University of Warwick)
Department of Economics
  Associate Professor with Habilitation
   253 604 539 , 253 604 584
PhD in Economics (2004) from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. Co-editor of Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (2019). Member of the Directing Committee of the Master Programme in Industrial Economics (2019). Member coordinator of the Erasmus Programme (2019). Member of the Department of Economics and of the Research Centre for Economics and Management NIPE at the University of Minho.
Labour Economics
Industrial Economics
Applied Econometrics
Selected publications
Monteiro, N. P., Straume, O. R., & Valente, M. (2021). When does remote electronic access (not) boost productivity? Longitudinal evidence from Portugal. Information Economics and Policy, 100923. DOI
Bastos, P., Monteiro, N. P., & Straume, O. R. (2018). Foreign acquisition and internal organization. Journal of International Economics, 114, 143–163. DOI
Bastos, P., Monteiro, N. P., & Straume, O. R. (2014). The effect of private versus public ownership on labour earnings. Oxford Economic Papers, 66(4), 983–1005. DOI
Bastos, P., & Monteiro, N. P. (2011). Managers and wage policies. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 20(4), 957–984. DOI
Bastos, P., Monteiro, N. P., & Straume, O. R. (2009). Firm heterogeneity and wages in unionised labour markets: Theory and evidence. Labour Economics, 16(4), 440–450. DOI
Applied Statistics for Political Science
Statistics and Econometrics for Applied Economics
Statistics for Economics and Management
Research Methodology and Proposal in Economics
Topics in Industrial and Firm Economics