Graduating in Psychology from the University of Porto, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Minho (UM), I have been working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics and Management of the UM. I have had teaching experience at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Key teaching areas have included Organizational Behaviour, Theories of Management and Organization, and Human Resources Management. My research interest areas and publications have been in gender stereotypes in management, gender discourses and identities in entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises, and professional embodiment.
Feminist Theory and Post-Colonialism in the context of organizations
Professional and Organizational Identities
Gender Studies
Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management
Human Resource Management
Selected publications
Esteban, L., Fernandes, E., Cimbrini, T., Smith, C., & Goksu, G. (2024). Female chairs on the boards of European National Sports Federations: a comparative study. Gender in Management, 39(4), 497–515. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Saraiva, A. (2022). Alternative consumer practices for a sustainable identity: the perspective of organic food consumption. Journal of Marketing Management, 38(3-4), 279–308. DOI
Saraiva, A., Fernandes, E., & von Schwedler, M. (2020). The pro-environmental consumer discourse: A political perspective on organic food consumption. International Journal of Consumer Studies. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Leite, R. (2016). Embodied women in the work context: The case of Portuguese businesswomen and their female subordinates. Women's Studies International Forum, 56, 45–55. DOI
Fernandes, E. (2008). Elas por elas: corpos ruidosos, corpos silenciados em contexto organizacional. Diacrítica, 22(3), 87–102. DOI
Other publications
Esteban, L., Fernandes, E., Cimbrini, T., Smith, C., & Goksu, G. (2024). Female chairs on the boards of European National Sports Federations: a comparative study. Gender in Management, 39(4), 497–515. DOI
Pinto, L. H., Fernandes, E., & Xinyan, L. (2024). The community of Chinese “expat-preneurs”: understanding the challenges of doing business abroad. Journal of Enterprising Communities, 18(2), 303–326. DOI
Goday, L. C., & Fernandes, E. (2023). O que é o talento? Um estudo baseado na perceção de profissionais de recursos humanos brasileiros. In T. Proença & A. Veloso (Eds.), Tendências no trabalho e na gestão de pessoas. (Vol. 1ª edição). Lisboa: RH Editora. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Saraiva, A. (2022). Alternative consumer practices for a sustainable identity: the perspective of organic food consumption. Journal of Marketing Management, 38(3-4), 279–308. DOI
Salvador, L. E., Cimbrini, T. D., Fernandes, E., G., G. G., & Smith, C. (2022). Corporate governance in sports organizations: a gendered approach (1ª.). Saragoça, Teruel: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza. DOI
Salvador, L. E., Fernandes, E., Cimbrini, T. D., Güngör, G., & Jones, R. (2022). Women and National Sport Governance: a European Approach interviews guide (1ª.). Saragoça: Publicacions Universidad Zaragoza. DOI
Salvador, L. E., Güngör, G., Fernandes, E., Cimbrini, T. D., & Jones, R. (2022). Analysis of gender equality policies on the boards of directors of national sports federations: An exploratory analysis: survey report; 1ª ed. (1ª.). Saragoça, Teruel: Publicacions Universidad Zaragoza. DOI
Fernandes, E. (2021). Dilemas discursivos entre o relacional e o racional: definindo poder e autoridade quando se é empresária. In A. P. Marques (Ed.), Mulheres empresárias e empreendedoras (1st ed., pp. 16–44). V.N.Famalicão: Edições Húmus. DOI
Saraiva, A., Fernandes, E., & von Schwedler, M. (2020). The green identity formation process in organic consumer communities: Environmental activism and consumer resistance. Qualitative Market Research, 23(1), 69–86. DOI
Saraiva, A., Fernandes, E., & von Schwedler, M. (2020). The pro-environmental consumer discourse: A political perspective on organic food consumption. International Journal of Consumer Studies. DOI
Braga, D., & Fernandes, E. (2019). Consequências emocionais em contextos de trabalho opressivos: os jovens profissionais e as relações laborais em tempos de crise. In C. Machado & J. P. Davim (Eds.), Resiliência e Inteligência Emocional (pp. 111–146). Lisboa: Almedina. DOI
Cimbrini, T. D., Esteban-Salvador, M. L., Fernandes, E., Goksu, G. G., & Smith, C. (2019). Corporate governance in sport organizations: a gender perspective. Teruel, Spain: Publicacions Universidad Zaragoza. DOI
Fernandes, E. (2019). Gender and corporate boards in sport: a short description of Portugal. In Corporate governance in sport organizations: a gender perspective (pp. 158–174). Teruel: Publicacions Universidad Zaragoza. DOI
Saraiva, A., von Schwedler, M., & Fernandes, E. (2018). Choosing local organic food: Consumer motivations and ethical spaces . International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering, 12(3), 58–66. DOI
Evanice Nadya, & Emilia Fernandes. (2017). Gender and Entrepreneurship in Angola: Narratives of the ‘Muambeiras’ of Lubango. In C. Machado & J. P. Davim (Eds.), Managing Organizational Diversity: Trends and Challenges in Management and Engineering (pp. 119–134). Springer. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Mota-Ribeiro, S. (2017). “Respect” and “self-determination” women entrepreneurs’ identities and entrepreneurial discourses. Gender in Management, 32(1), 66–80. DOI
Carvalho, A. F., & Fernandes, E. (2016). Processos de discriminação de profissionais imigrantes e qualificadas em contextos laborais tipicamente masculinos. Ex Aequo, 33, 117–132. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Leite, R. (2016). Embodied women in the work context: The case of Portuguese businesswomen and their female subordinates. Women's Studies International Forum, 56, 45–55. DOI
Martins, S., Fernandes, E., & Leite, R. (2016). Gendered understandings of innovation in nursing and entrepreneurship: an exploratory study in the Portuguese context. In G. A. Alsos, U. Hytti, & E. Ljunggren (Eds.), Research Handbook on Gender and Innovation (pp. 107–126). Edward Elgar. DOI
Resende, I., & Fernandes, E. (2015). Recruitment and selection in the expatriation process: comparing perceptions between organizations and individuals. In C. Machado & J. P. Davim (Eds.), Organizational Management: Policies and Practices in a Global Market (pp. 132–149). England: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI
Cabral-Cardoso, C., & Fernandes, E. (2014). Entrepreneurship among Portuguese women. In L. Kelly (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Women: New Management and Leadership Models (1st ed., Vol. 2, pp. 135–156). Santa Barbara, California: ABC - CLIO. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Leite, R. (2014). The gender of the entrepreneur and the politics of entrepreneurship for women: An exploratory study. In C. Machado & J. P. Davim (Eds.), Work organization and Human Resource Management (pp. 105–123). Switzerland: Springer. DOI
Fernandes, E. (2008). Elas por elas: corpos ruidosos, corpos silenciados em contexto organizacional. Diacrítica, 22(3), 87–102. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2006). The social stereotypes of the Portuguese female and male manager. Gender in Management, 21(2), 99–112. DOI
Fernandes, E. (2005). Estereótipo. In A. L. Amaral & A. G. Macedo (Eds.), Dicionário da Crítica Feminista (p. 57). Porto: Editora Afrontamento. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Cardoso, C. C. (2005). The female manager and male manager: The persistence of the asymmetries between their social stereotypes. Tékhne - Review of Applied Management Studies, 2(3), 39–59. DOI
Fernandes, E., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2003). Gender asymmetries and manager stereotype among management students. Women in Management Review, 18(1/2), 77–87. DOI
Epistemology and Theory of Knowledge in Management
Fundamentals of Organization and Management
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
Leadership and Change Managemen
Advanced Organizational Theories