Since 2013 is Assistant Professor of the Management Department. Before he was guest teacher in EEG since 2006. Currently is member of the Direction of the Master Course in Marketing and Strategy. He receive his PhD in Management Sciences on 2003. He receive his Master Degree in Management on 1996.
Place Marketing
Tourism Marketing
Corporate Strategy
Celebrity Endorsement/Branding
Selected publications
Azevedo, A. (2019). Recognizing consumerism as an “illness of an empty soul”: A catholic morality perspective. Psychology and Marketing, 1–10. DOI
Carvalho, C. P., & Azevedo, A. (2018). Do glamour, self-sexualisation and scopophilia influence celebrity endorsement? EuroMed Journal of Business, 13(1), 86–101. DOI
Custódio, M. J. F., Azevedo, A., & Perna, F. P. (2018). Sport events and local communities: a partnership for placemaking. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(1), 6–25. DOI
Machado, A., & Azevedo, A. (2016). Caso Meia Dúzia. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Casos de Sucesso Empresarial - Empresariato (1ª edição., pp. 115–133). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Idioteque. DOI
Machado, A., & Azevedo, A. (2016). Vieira de Castro. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Casos de Sucesso Empresarial - Empresariato (1ª ., pp. 291–318). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Idioteque. DOI
Other publications
Costa, A. S., & Azevedo, A. (2024). Influence of Ethically-Minded Consumer Behavior, Digital Citizenship, and Retailers’ Green Positioning on the Effectiveness of Store Flyer Sales Promotions (Paper vs. Digital). Journal of Promotion Management, 30(4), 681–705. DOI
Costa, C., & Azevedo, A. (2024). Antecedents and consequences of the “cancel culture” firestorm journey for brands: is there a possibility for forgiveness? Journal of Marketing Management, 40(3-4), 289–312. DOI
Imamovic, I., Sousa, B., & Azevedo, A. (2024). Multisensory Dimensions as Interdisciplinary Study: Sensory Destination Branding and Post-Pandemic Scenario. In M. Valeri & B. Sousa (Eds.), Human Relations Management in Tourism (pp. 188–207). IGI Global. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2023). Pull and Push Drivers of Giant-Wave Spectators in Nazaré, Portugal: A Cultural Ecosystem Services Assessment Based on Geo-Tagged Photos. Land, 12(2), 360. DOI
Azevedo, A., & Azevedo, Â. S. (2023). Implications of Socio-Cultural Pressure for a Thin Body Image on Avoidance of Social Interaction and on Corrective, Compensatory or Compulsive Shopping Behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3567. DOI
Azevedo, A., Alves, J. A., & Fernandes, R. R. (2023). The (negative) impact of violent and gore TV crime series on destination image and travel motivation. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 28. DOI
Pacheco, C., & Azevedo, A. (2023). Mapping the journey of the CoLiving experience of digital nomads, using verbal and visual narratives. World Leisure Journal, 65(2), 192–217. DOI
Remoaldo, P., Alves, J., Ghanian, M., Azevedo, A., & Silva, S. (2023). Stakeholders’ perceptions and networking capacity in tourism planning: grounded theory applied to the Northern Region of mainland Portugal. In P. F. Xie (Ed.), Handbook of Tourism Planning (pp. 92–118). Edward Elgar. DOI
Costa, J., & Azevedo, A. (2022). Beyond Brand Hate: Are You Willing to Forgive a Negative Experience with Your Smartphone Mobile Communications’ Brand? Corporate Reputation Review. DOI
Fernandes, R., Alves, J., & Azevedo, A. (2022). Os impactos das séries televisivas de crime na formação da imagem de destinos turísticos. Dos Algarves- Tourism, Hospitality &Amp; Management Journal, 42(Special Issue), 78–98. DOI
Imamovic, I., Sousa, B., & Azevedo, A. (2022). Urban Sensescapes. In D. Buhalis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar. DOI
Imamović, I., Azevedo, A., & Sousa, B. (2022). The Urban Sensescapes and Sensory Destination Branding. In M. Valeri (Ed.), New Governance and Management in Touristic Destinations (pp. 276–293). IGI Global. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2021). Using social media photos as a proxy to estimate the recreational value of (im) movable heritage: the Rubjerg Knude (Denmark) lighthouse. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(6), 2283–2303. DOI
Azevedo, A., Duenas, M. M., & Costas, G. B. (2021). Innovation on Research Methods: Geotagged Photos as a Proxy Tool to Map Heritage and Cultural Ecosystem Services Hotspots. In V. R. João Leitão & V. Braga (Eds.), Tourism Innovation in Spain and Portugal. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management (pp. 63–88). Springer. DOI
Oliveira, J., Azevedo, A., Ferreira, J. J., Gomes, S., & Lopes, J. M. (2021). An insight on b2b firms in the age of digitalization and paperless processes. Sustainability, 13(21), 11565. DOI
Véreb, V., & Azevedo, A. (2021). Travellers' Resilience to Major Travel Risks of Today: Global Terrorism and Pandemic Disease – Opportunities and Challenges for Small Tourism Businesses. In K. M. S. Anita Zehrer Gundula Glowka & V. Ranacher-Lackner (Eds.), Resiliency Models and Addressing Future Risks for Family Firms in the Tourism Industry (pp. 242–266). IGI Global. DOI
Barros, M., & Azevedo, A. (2020). O património cultural: qual o seu significado e importância para os jovens do século XX. In C. Henriques, P. César, V. Herádia, & M. C. Moreira (Eds.), Turismo e História – Perspectivas sobre o Patrimônio da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano (pp. 414–433). Caxias do Sul: EDUCS- Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. DOI
Machado, R., & Azevedo, A. (2020). Determinants and Consequences of Citizens' E-Participation: The Case Study of the App MyHomeCity. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 9(1), 20–43. DOI
Silva, R., Azevedo, A., & Farhangmehr, M. (2020). Consumers’ proneness to value corporate social responsibility as predictor of extra-role and intra-role behaviors. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(2), 164–180. DOI
Sá, C., & Azevedo, A. (2020). A influência do fator preço e eficácia das táticas promocionais no setor hoteleiro. PODIUM Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, 9(Especial), 46–69. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2019). Recognizing consumerism as an “illness of an empty soul”: A catholic morality perspective. Psychology and Marketing, 1–10. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2019). Sistemas de Monitorização da Governança Urbana Sustentável da Cidade. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Inteligência Territorial- Governança, Sustentabilidade e Transparência (pp. 19–50). Idioteque. DOI
Moreira, B., & Azevedo, A. (2019). Psychographic segmentation of female fashion consumers in Portugal. In A. Broega, J. C. andHélder Carvalho, M. B. andGuillermo García-Badell, & D. Gómez-Chacón (Eds.), Reverse Design: A current scientific vision from the international fashion and design congress (pp. 437–445). London: CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis . DOI
Santos, A. L., Barros, F., & Azevedo, A. (2019). Matching-up celebrities’ brands with products and social causes. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 28(2), 242–255. DOI
Veréb, V., & Azevedo, A. (2019). A quasi-experiment to map innovation perception and pinpoint innovation opportunities along the tourism experience journey. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 41, 208–218. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2018). Lighthouse tourism: is there a “dark” side? International Journal of Tourism Cities, 4(1), 54–67. DOI
Carvalho, C. P., & Azevedo, A. (2018). Do glamour, self-sexualisation and scopophilia influence celebrity endorsement? EuroMed Journal of Business, 13(1), 86–101. DOI
Custódio, M. J. F., Azevedo, A., & Perna, F. P. (2018). Sport events and local communities: a partnership for placemaking. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(1), 6–25. DOI
Fonseca, A., Moreira, D., Silva, L., Correlo, N., & Azevedo, A. (2018). Casa Grande Chocolatier . In J. Abreu (Ed.), Empresariato, Casos de Sucesso Empresarial- Branding (pp. 89–105). Idioteque. DOI
Fontes, R., Pestana, S., Sousa, V., & Azevedo, A. (2018). Leica. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Empresariato, Casos de Sucesso Empresarial- Branding (pp. 155–175). Idioteque. DOI
Lages, R., Sousa, B., & Azevedo, A. (2018). O posicionamento e a imagem em contextos de marketing de destinos turísticos: estudo de caso aplicado à cidade de Braga. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Special Issue, 15–32. DOI
Oliveira, J., & Azevedo, A. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of servitisation in the office printing industry. International Journal of Business Environment, 10(1), 52–74. DOI
Passos, A., Sousa, B., & Azevedo, A. (2018). Brand Management and Internationalization: A Case Study In The Sports Equipment Industry. Tékhne - Review of Applied Management Studies, 16(2), 19–27. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2017). Roteiro para um Marketing Territorial mias inteligente, criativo, sustentável e inclusivo. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Sucess Full, Casos de Sucesso nos Municipios Portugueses (1ª., pp. 21–38). Idioteque. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2017). Significados latentes na fotografia em turismo: o caso do turismo negro na Costa Morte (Galiza). PASOS - Revista De Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(4), 999–1014. DOI
Azevedo, A., Andrade, S., & Ferreira, S. (2017). Vila Nova de Gaia- um municipio "child friendly". In J. Abreu (Ed.), Success Full, Casos de Sucesso nos Municipios Portugueses (pp. 435–461). Idioteque. DOI
Leite, R., & Azevedo, A. (2017). The Role of Digital Marketing: A perspective from Porto Hotels’ Managers. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, Special Number (2), 88–105. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2016). Celebrity Branding Advertising Processing: A Conceptual Model. In L. Petruzzellis & R. S. Winer (Eds.), Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing (pp. 599–611). Springer International Publishing. DOI
Machado, A., & Azevedo, A. (2016). Caso Meia Dúzia. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Casos de Sucesso Empresarial - Empresariato (1ª edição., pp. 115–133). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Idioteque. DOI
Machado, A., & Azevedo, A. (2016). Vieira de Castro. In J. Abreu (Ed.), Casos de Sucesso Empresarial - Empresariato (1ª ., pp. 291–318). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Idioteque. DOI
Costa, A., & Azevedo, A. (2015). Destination branding: o papel dos stakeholders na gestão da marca de destino – o caso da região do Douro (Portugal). Revista Brasileira De Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional, 11(1), 182–205. DOI
de Azevedo, A. J. A., Custódio, M. J. F., & Perna, F. P. A. (2013). "Are you happy here?": The relationship between quality of life and place attachment. Journal of Place Management and Development, 6(2), 102–119. DOI
Pereira, J., & Azevedo, A. (2011). Interdependency between sustainable development and economic growing (investment attraction): the role of city’s governance, branding and monitoring strategies. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 7(7), 734–748. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2010). Designing unique and memorable experiences: co-creation and the surprise factor. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, 3(1), 42–54. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2006). Marcas de cidades: Marketing territorial para o desenvolvimento. Marketeer, 115, 74–87. DOI
Azevedo, A., & Farhangmehr, M. (2005). Clothing Branding Strategies: Influence of Brand Personality on Advertising Response. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4(3), 13. DOI
Azevedo, A. (2004). Image Transference from Product Branding to Place Branding: The Case Study of Marinha Grande mGlass. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 1(2), 101–112. DOI
Azevedo, A., & Farhangmehr, M. (2003). Influência do país de origem na estratégia de construção da marca. Revista Portuguesa De Marketing, 13, 21–35. DOI
Farhangmehr, M., & Azevedo, A. (2001). Importância da personalidade da marca na construção e posicionamento das marcas de roupa. Revista Portuguesa De Gestão, 16(2), 30–36. DOI
Distribution channels and Salesforce Management
Strategy and Marketing for Healthcare
Corporate Strategy
Advanced Studies in Strategy
Brand and Product Management
Cultural marketing
Tourism Marketing
Research Methodology and Proposal in Management