Rosa-Branca Esteves (DPhil in Economics, Oxford; mum of 3 kids) is Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management-University of Minho (EEG-UM). She is also the Director of the PhD programa in Economics and a Full Member of NIPE (Centre for Research in Economics and Management). At EEG-UM she teachs courses in Game Theory, Microeconomis and Industrial Organization. She has written several papers published in top field journals (some of them have been awarded). She has led numerous research projects funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation.
Selected publications
Esteves, R. B. (2022). Can personalized pricing be a winning strategy in oligopolistic markets with heterogeneous demand customers? Yes, it can. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 85(102874). DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Resende, J. (2016). Competitive targeted advertising with price discrimination. Marketing Science, 35(4), 576–587. DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Vasconcelos, H. (2015). Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24(3), 523–549. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2010). Pricing with customer recognition. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(6), 669–681. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2009). Customer poaching and advertising. Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(1), 112–146. DOI
Other publications
Esteves, R. B., Ghandhour, Z., & Straume, O. Quality discrimination in healthcare markets. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. DOI
Esteves, R.-B., & Carballo-Cruz, F. (2023). Can data openness unlock competition when an incumbent has exclusive data access for personalized pricing? Information Economics and Policy, 64(101046). DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2022). Can personalized pricing be a winning strategy in oligopolistic markets with heterogeneous demand customers? Yes, it can. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 85(102874). DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Shuai, J. (2022). Personalized pricing with a price sensitive demand. Economics Letters, 213, 110396. DOI
Esteves, R. B., Liu, Q., & Shuai, J. (2022). Behavior-based price discrimination with nonuniform distribution of consumer preferences. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31(2), 324–355. DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Resende, J. (2019). Personalized pricing and advertising: Who are the winners? International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63, 239–282. DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Cerqueira, S. (2017). Behavior-based pricing under imperfectly informed consumers. Information Economics and Policy, 40, 60–70. DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Resende, J. (2016). Competitive targeted advertising with price discrimination. Marketing Science, 35(4), 576–587. DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Vasconcelos, H. (2015). Price Discrimination under Customer Recognition and Mergers. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24(3), 523–549. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2014). Behavior-based price discrimination with retention offers. Information Economics and Policy, 27(1), 39–51. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2014). Price Discrimination with Private and Imperfect Information. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 116(3), 766–796. DOI
Esteves, R. B., & Reggiani, C. (2014). Elasticity of demand and behaviour-based price discrimination. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 32(1), 46–56. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2010). Pricing with customer recognition. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(6), 669–681. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2009). Customer poaching and advertising. Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(1), 112–146. DOI
Esteves, R. B. (2009). Price discrimination with partial information: Does it pay off? Economics Letters, 105(1), 28–31. DOI
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