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 Bachelor in Marketing


Welcome to Marketing Degree!

» If you are a future student and have questions, João Loureiro, one of our students, is available to help. Contact João at

» For questions about admission, scholarships or other pedagogical issues, you can contact us at

Marketing is present in everything around us! Brands, products, services and people increasingly use marketing principles and techniques to create economic and social value. The Marketing degree aims to train people for excellence, equipped with fundamental scientific, technical and ethical knowledge and skills. It integrates student-centered active learning methodologies that promote autonomy, responsibility and the search for knowledge and skills. The future graduate could have a career as a marketing, product, brand, customer, communication, public relations, sales or marketing research manager.


Note: ​

AIn addition to obtaining a positive grade in the project component, the conclusion of the Curricular Unit (UC) "Project" implies cumulatively, the verification of the following requirements:
(1) compliance with 3 ECTS in the EEGenerating Skills programme;
(2) compliance with the Data Analysis Requirement;
(3) compliance with the Internationalisation Requirement.



Academic degree:
  • Bachelor (Bologna 1st cycle degree)
6 curricular semesters
Gualtar Campus, Braga (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Management


    School of Economics and Management
    Campus de Gualtar
    4710 - 057 Braga

    Tel: +351 253604510 Fax: +351 253601380

Access to higher education

This course provides the technical and scientific capacity to access the courses of the second cycle (Master)






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Studies can be done through the following ways:
- Application for National Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Local Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Special Access to Higher Education Admissions;
- Application for Access to Higher Education Admissions through Re-Entry, Change and Transfer of Course.

Formal requirements

Entrance Testing 

04 Economics
17 Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences
18 Portuguese 

This information must be verified on

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Consumer Psychology Psi 6
S1 Introduction to Management G 6
S1 Marketing G 6
S1 Mathematics for Management M 6
S1 Principles of Microeconomics E 6
S2 Applied Statistics for Management G 6
S2 Consumer Law D 6
S2 Introduction to Financial Management G 6
S2 Principles of Macroeconomics E 6
S2 Strategic Marketing G 6
Year 2 60
S1 Brand and Product Management G 6
S1 Consumer Behaviour G 6
S1 Financial Accounting I G 6
S1 Fundamentals of Marketing Research G 6
S1 Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility G 6
S2 Management Accounting I G 6
S2 Applied Marketing Research G 6
S2 Integrated Marketing Communication G 6
S2 Marketing Information Systems TSI 6
S2 Services and Relationship Marketing G 6
Year 3 60
S1 Digital Marketing G 6
S1 Distribution Channels and Salesforce Management G 6
S1 International Marketing G 6
S1 Logistics G 6
S1 Principles of Entrepreneurship G 6
S2 Marketing Project G 13
S2 Strategic Management G 6
S2 Opção 6
Brand Law D 6
Customer Analytics G 6
Global Economics E 6
Human Resource Management G 6
Knowledge and Innovation Management G 6
Labour Law D 6
Political and Electoral Communication Marketing CPRI 6
Politics and Social Economy E 6
Surveys and Opinion Polls CPRI 6
Tourism Marketing G 6
S2 Opção UMinho 5
Bioethics ECS 6
Collaboration for a Sustainable Development in the Digitalization Era EGI 6
Crime, Deviance and Control SOC 6
Education and Interpersonal Development in the University Context CEd 6
Environment and Energy ENG 6
Fundamentals and Practices of First Aid ENF 6
Galician Language and Culture LLC 6
Gestão de Ativos EC 6
Governance and Public Private Partnerships CA 6
Green Buildings ENG 6
Introduction to the German Language and Culture ELG 6
Introduction to the Spanish Language and Culture ELG 6
Leadership and Entrepreneurship EIS 6
Mathematics Behind Things M 6
Occupational Safety and Health EH 6
Photographic Literacy from Physics to Message Fis 6
Political Issues in the History of the Present Time H 6
Preparing Generation Z Beyond Technologies ENG 6
Psychology of Aging and Communication Psi 6
Reading and Writing for Academic Production and Knowledge LEP 6
Scientific Research Methodologies IDP 6
Social Skills and Employability Psi 6
Sport and Health EF 6


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
A3ES submited report:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 3503/2011/AL02
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity: