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Sandra Fernandes participates on a digital platform about the future of Europe Back

Wednesday, 4/28/2021   
Sandra Fernandes
Sandra Fernandes, Professor of the Political Science Department of the School of Economics and Management of University of Minho, developed, in the ambit of the Ethical and Citizenship module, part of the Public Management Programme (FORGEP) of UMinhoExec, a practical exercise of which its outputs will be laid down on the digital platform “Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa”.
This initiative concerns a citizenship action at the European Union level, representing an unique and timely occasion for European citizens to debate the challenges and priorities of the European Union. The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission are committed to hear the Europeans and follow-up, in the ambit of their skills, to the recommendations formulated.
All European citizens can participate on this platform, from all of the quadrants and the four corners of the Union, being up to all the young adults to play a central role on the definition of a future European project.

More information:
Gabinete de Comunicação
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Universidade do Minho
Telefone: 253 604541
Sandra Fernandes