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Linda Gonçalves Veiga
Ph.D in Economics (University of South Carolina)
Department of Economics
  Full Professor
   253 604 568 , 253604510
Linda Gonçalves Veiga is Professor of Economics at the University of Minho. Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of South Carolina (USA), she teaches and does research in the areas of Public Economics and Political Economy. She published widely and coordinated several research projects funded by external entities. She has been a member of the Board of the European Public Choice Society.
She is currently the director of the undergraduate degree in Economics. has been pro-rector of the UMinho, vice-president of EEG/UMinho, and director of the Centre for Research in Economics and Management (NIPE), the Department of Economics, and the Ph.D. and Master programs in Economics.
She also has consultancy experience, namely for the United Nations, the OECD, the North Regional Coordination and Development Commission, the Portuguese Court of Auditors and the Directorate General of Local Governments.
Political Economy
Public Choice
Public Economics and Public Finance
Selected publications
Costa, H., & Veiga, L. (2021). Local labor impact of wind energy investment: An analysis of Portuguese municipalities. Energy Economics, 94, 105055. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2019). The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Government Level. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 35(2), 394–421. DOI
Veiga, L. G., Efthyvoulou, G., & Morozumi, A. (2019). Political Budget Cycles: Conditioning Factors and New Evidence. In K. H. Goetz (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. (2018). Term limits and voter turnout. Electoral Studies, 53, 20–28. DOI
Veiga, F. J., Veiga, L. G., & Morozumi, A. (2017). Political budget cycles and media freedom. Electoral Studies, 45, 88–99. DOI
Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation
Public Economics and Finance
Political Economics and Public Choice
Research Methodology and Proposal in Economics
Project in Applied Economics