Linda Gonçalves Veiga is Professor of Economics at the University of Minho. Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of South Carolina (USA), she teaches and does research in the areas of Public Economics and Political Economy. She published widely and coordinated several research projects funded by external entities. She has been a member of the Board of the European Public Choice Society.
She is currently the director of the undergraduate degree in Economics. has been pro-rector of the UMinho, vice-president of EEG/UMinho, and director of the Centre for Research in Economics and Management (NIPE), the Department of Economics, and the Ph.D. and Master programs in Economics.
She also has consultancy experience, namely for the United Nations, the OECD, the North Regional Coordination and Development Commission, the Portuguese Court of Auditors and the Directorate General of Local Governments.
Political Economy
Public Choice
Public Economics and Public Finance
Selected publications
Costa, H., & Veiga, L. (2021). Local labor impact of wind energy investment: An analysis of Portuguese municipalities. Energy Economics, 94, 105055. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2019). The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Government Level. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 35(2), 394–421. DOI
Veiga, L. G., Efthyvoulou, G., & Morozumi, A. (2019). Political Budget Cycles: Conditioning Factors and New Evidence. In K. H. Goetz (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. (2018). Term limits and voter turnout. Electoral Studies, 53, 20–28. DOI
Veiga, F. J., Veiga, L. G., & Morozumi, A. (2017). Political budget cycles and media freedom. Electoral Studies, 45, 88–99. DOI
Other publications
Lautenschlage, J., Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. The effects of fiscal policy management, candidacy of previous mayors, and illiteracy on mayoral reelection in Brazil. Economics and Politics. DOI
Martins, J., Veiga, L., & Fernandes, B. (2023). Are electronic government innovations helpful to deter corruption? Evidence from across the world. Economics and Politics, 35(3), 661–1203. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. (2023). Political budget cycles in Portuguese municipalities in the 21st century. In A. Teixeira, A. P. Delgado, L. Carvalho, M. I. Mota, & M. M. C. Silva (Eds.), Estudos de Homenagem a José da Silva Costa (1st ed.). Porto: Universidade do Porto. DOI
Veiga, F., Veiga, L., & Magalhães, P. (2023). O Parlamento e a opinião pública. In P. T. de Almeida (Ed.), O Parlamento Português (1st ed., Vol. IV - Democracia, pp. 243–264). Lisbon: Edições da Assembleia da República. DOI
Martins, J., & Veiga, L. G. (2022). Digital government as a business facilitator. Information Economics and Policy, 60. DOI
Costa, H., & Veiga, L. (2021). Local labor impact of wind energy investment: An analysis of Portuguese municipalities. Energy Economics, 94, 105055. DOI
Martins, J., & Veiga, L. (2020). Undergraduate students’ economic literacy, knowledge of the country’s economic performance and opinions regarding appropriate economic policies. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 11(4), 351–369. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2019). The Effects of Electoral Incentives on Fiscal Policy: Evidence from a Legislative Change at the Local Government Level. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 35(2), 394–421. DOI
Veiga, L. G., Efthyvoulou, G., & Morozumi, A. (2019). Political Budget Cycles: Conditioning Factors and New Evidence. In K. H. Goetz (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. (2018). Term limits and voter turnout. Electoral Studies, 53, 20–28. DOI
Veiga, F. J., Veiga, L. G., & Morozumi, A. (2017). Political budget cycles and media freedom. Electoral Studies, 45, 88–99. DOI
Veiga, F., Veiga, L., Fernandes, B., & Martins, J. (2017). Limitação de Mandatos. Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. DOI
Kurian, M., Ardakanian, R., Veiga, L. G., & Meyer, K. (2016). Resources, Services and Risks. How Can Data Observatories Bridge. The Science-Policy Divide in Environmental Governance? Springer International Publishing. DOI
Costa, H., Veiga, L. G., & Portela, M. (2015). Interactions in Local Governments' Spending Decisions: Evidence from Portugal. Regional Studies, 49(9), 1441–1456. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Kurian, M. (2015). Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Questions of Accountability and Autonomy. In M. Kurian & R. Ardakanian (Eds.), Governing the Nexus - Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering Global Change (pp. 63–81). Springer. DOI
Veiga, F. J., Cruz, F. C., & Veiga, L. (2014). Cooperação Territorial Europeia e Cultura. Lisbon: Principia. DOI
Veiga, F. J., carballo-Cruz, F., & Veiga, L. G. (2014). Cooperação Territorial Europeia e Cultura em Portugal. Revista Lusófona De Estudos Culturais, 2(2), 103–130. DOI
Veiga, L. G. (2013). Voting functions in the EU-15. Public Choice, 157(3-4), 411–428. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2013). Intergovernmental fiscal transfers as pork barrel. Public Choice, 155(3-4), 335–353. DOI
Veiga, L. G. F. (2012). Determinants of the assignment of EU funds to Portuguese municipalities. Public Choice, 153(1-2), 215–233. DOI
Aidt, T. S., Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. F. (2011). Election results and opportunistic policies: A new test of the rational political business cycle model. Public Choice, 148(1-2), 21–44. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. F. (2010). The impact of local and national economic conditions on legislative election results. Applied Economics, 42(13), 1727–1734. DOI
Veiga, L. G. F., & Veiga, F. J. (2007). Does opportunism pay off? Economics Letters, 96(2), 177–182. DOI
Veiga, L. G. F., & Veiga, F. J. (2007). Political business cycles at the municipal level. Public Choice, 131(1-2), 45–64. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Pinho, M. M. (2007). O Poder Local e a Europa. In P. Lains & M. C. Lobo (Eds.), Em nome da Europa. Portugal em Mudança, 1986-2006 (pp. 207–226). Principia. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Pinho, M. M. (2007). The political economy of intergovernmental grants: Evidence from a maturing democracy. Public Choice, 133(3-4), 457–477. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2007). Economics, Popularity and Vote Intentions in Portugal: A Longitudinal Analysis with Aggregate Data. In A. Freire, M. C. Lobo, & P. Magalhães (Eds.), Portugal at the Polls: in 2002 (pp. 75–99). Plymouth – UK: Lexington Books. DOI
Coelho, C., Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. F. (2006). Political business cycles in local employment: Evidence from Portugal. Economics Letters, 93(1), 82–87. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Veiga, F. J. (2005). Eleitoralismo nos Municípios Portugueses. Análise Social, XL (177), 865–889. DOI
Pinho, M. M., & Veiga, L. G. (2004). Análise da Influência de Factores Políticos na Afectação das Transferências Intergovernamentais em Portugal. Revista Portuguesa De Estudos Regionais, 7, 63–83. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. (2004). The Determinants of Vote Intentions in Portugal. Public Choice, 118(3-4), 341–364. DOI
Veiga, F. J., & Veiga, L. G. F. (2004). Popularity functions, partisan effects, and support in parliament. Economics and Politics, 16(1), 101–115. DOI
Veiga, L., & Veiga, F. (2004). Economia, Popularidade e Intenções de Voto em Portugal: uma Análise Longitudinal com Dados Agregados. In A. Freire, M. C. Lobo, & P. Magalhães (Eds.), Portugal a Votos: Eleições Legislativas de 2002 (pp. 125–157). Lisboa, Portugal: Imprensa das Ciências Sociais, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. DOI
Veiga, L. G., & Henry W. Chappell, J. R. (2002). Politics and unemployment in industrialized democracies. Public Choice, 110(3-4), 1822/1494. DOI
Chappell, H. W., & Veiga, L. G. (2000). Economics and elections in Western Europe: 1960-1997. Electoral Studies, 19(2-3), 183–197. DOI
Veiga, L. R. F. G. (1998). Popularity Functions for the Portuguese Prime Minister, Government, Parliament and President. European Journal of Political Research, 33(3), 347–361. DOI
Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation
Public Economics and Finance
Political Economics and Public Choice
Research Methodology and Proposal in Economics
Project in Applied Economics